
82 21 5

He knew she's strange
She's quiet as a mouse
But please do accept that
She literally can't make any sound

The Lady made her wear
Two bells tied on each wrists
To know that she's here
To realize that she exists

That fortunate day she saw him
She saw his wondrous eyes
She found a glint of sympathy
Oh, she gave him a lot of whys

To genuinely cheer her up
He invited her to go hike
She's never been this excited
She can't even sleep that night

They saw birds and flowers
Views that gave them solace
He knew it made her happy
She never again felt so hopeless

Her bells were ringing
Ringing with bliss
He means so much to her
She'll never ever forget this

She assumed that was perfect
Yet she was very wrong
The sky dimmed and roared
They separated and she was alone

That gloomy day
She lost her bell
It's useless to shout
And then she fell


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