Nasty Suicide

47 13 2

The sky was crying,
And I was stone cold.
The lights were out,
But my screams echoed.

"Dad! Daddy!"
He was soaking outside.
With no doubts, I followed,
It was a nasty suicide.

Sparks flew from the post,
As my dad approached.
Pushing me away was a success,
But I was hit when a lightning stroke.

Thoughts of my mom filled my mind,
There she lay inside—ill but dry,
A machine was connected to her life,
Dad must turn it back on was why.

Waiting for my body to give up,
I felt powerful instead,
Covering my skin with electric charges,
Is this what happens when you're dead?

Father's sobs rhymed with the sky's,
My mom is still alive, I insist,
Wrapping my hands to the electric post,
Then lights suddenly exist.

Looking above with joy in my eyes,
Dad covered me with his great big hug,
Thankfully, he's safe as I am,
What happened was beyond our luck.


flypie2003's peculiarity (more like quiz result haha) 😊😊😊 Thanks for the support!

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