[21] Dating Advice

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I asked the Hufflepuff ghost, the Fat Friar, for the direction to the library. Being as kind and good natured as all Hufflepuffs are, he accompanied me to the library and kept remarking on how pale I looked and should go to see Madam Pomfrey. 

No thank you. I'm fine, honest. 

When the library came he bid me farewell and went on his way. I entered the library. It was huge with shelves upon shelves of books aligned neatly. 

Now let's see where Percy is. My first thought on finding Percy was checking the Library as he's a big nerdy geek (no offense meant though). But even now when I'm in here, it is so huge that I'll probably have to browse through each section. But I'm too lazy for that. 

I hope what I have in mind works even though I'm perfectly sure it will because literally this is Percy we are talking about and he'd surely act as I expect him to. So here goes. Plan A setting into action. 

I went into what I thought to be a comfortable corner away from the eyes and ears of the librarian and called, "somebody call the Head Boy please, this is a serious matter indeed." 

And now we'll wait for him to turn up. 

In less than two seconds, Percy came rushing to where I was, "yes?" 

Perfect. I knew he has a very keen set of ears. 

"Hey Perce," I smiled at him. 

Finding him like this, all exasperated and brimming with a sense of high authority, can bust a lot of tension, trust me. 

Seeing me he raised an eyebrow, "Katerina what exactly is that serious matter on which a Head Boy needs to be called?" 

I replied, "oh well... The serious matter is that I wanted to see my big brother."

He rolled his eyes wearily, "I happen to be a school prefect. Head Boy to be precise. And I have a lot of important duties other than wasting my time just because my little sister wants to see me." 

Oooh, he's in some mood today. Maybe I'm not the only one facing detentions with the Whomping Willow and infatuated Lockhart. 

But seriously? Detention. Percy. Not even happening. 

Fine, I'll tell him about my problem later. 

"What's the matter? Why are you so... Offended?" I asked. 

He sat down on the chair, "long story. And you're not hearing any of it."

 Oh really? I don't think so. I took a seat beside him, "suppose you tell me anyway?" 

He shook his head, "you're bound to make fun of me after that." 

Honestly, he's still thinking about me that way? 

"How many times have I made fun of you before?" 

Yeah, answer me now. 

"Even if you haven't, by some miraculous intervention," he spoke, "you will make fun of me after I tell you." 

He seriously has some trust issues. 

"I'll keep bugging you unless you tell me," and this is my final statement. 

He looked at me as if annoyed, "fine. I... There's this girl I like and..." 

Wait did I actually hear that right? Percy likes a girl? 

"I knew you wouldn't believe me!" 

Oh well that means my expressions are too visible on my face. "Go on, I'm listening," I replied. 

"I... I just don't know what to say to her and... It's so awkward and... I simply don't know." 

Okay... Even Perce is awkward in some situations. 

"Who is she?" I asked. 

"Give me your word that the twins will never know about this," uh oh, well okay with me. It's not like I've made a pact with them to tell them everything I know. Yeah I can keep secrets, thank you very much. And I seldom babble about them. 

"The cat won't get out of the bag," I assured him. 

"Her name is Penelope Clearwater," finally Percy opens up about the top dead secret. 

Penelope Clearwater... The Ravenclaw prefect? I think Fred and George pranked her once by turning her shoes into teacups but I'm not too sure about that. 

"So what's the problem here?" I spoke up, "you like the girl you go and tell her. End of story." 

He shook his head (again!), "well that is the problem. I don't know what to say to her. I mean... We are good friends and everything's alright but then... I just don't know." 

Okay but how can I help him with this important matter concerning his love life? "What you really need is some good dating advice," I stated. 

He looked at me skeptically, "and where am I going to get it? Wait... That's where you come in. You tell me what I'm supposed to do." 

What? Me? You gotta be kidding me, Perce. "Hey, I'm not Cupid. You're asking the wrong person," I replied. 

"Then who shall I ask?" He really seems to be in a great dilemma because Perfect Percy never asks anyone for advices and yet here we are... Oh well, he'll have to deal with it then. 

"You could ask George or Fred. I see they're quite good with girls," yes you guessed it right; this was meant as a joke because honestly teasing Perce is all fun. 

However his eyes widened as if horrified, "so I go ask them and they tell the whole school afterwards? Not helping, Katerina." 

Ugh, Katerina, again. "Okay I'll try and do something," I spoke, "first of all stop calling me Katerina. Learn to call me by the name Kat. K.A.T Kat, got it?" 

He sighed, "and how will that help me?" 

Geez ease up and wait a little. "Well because firstly you have to learn to get a bit informal. Not everyone likes men with ultra formal business like attitudes. Even if you mean to be polite it is sometimes considered as a stiff reaction," oh wow I can really give some good advice. This is surely going to help him. 

"Okay... Be informal, got it," Percy seemed to be taking in every word. 

"Secondly you have to stop behaving like an all knowing brat," his eyes narrowed in confusion and offense alike, "no offense meant but yes you do act like one most of the time. And no I'm not making fun of you. I'm saying that for your own benefit." 

He nodded, "go on with the next point." 

Oh come on, even when I'm giving him advice it seems like he's the one in control of everything. So commanding. "And lastly gather some guts, Perce, because no matter what I say you won't get the girl until or unless you decide to speak up to her. Ask her out on a date. For instance take her to that tea shop which the twins were telling me about on the coming Hogsmeade weekend. The twins told me it's a favorite place for most of the female population here," and this is pretty much the advice I can muster.  

"Madam Puddifoot's teashop, you mean?" 

I nodded, "yes exactly." 

He looked thoughtful, "it's not a very bad idea. Great you happened to be passing." 

Uh oh, there goes, "remember Perce stop being formal." 

He shrugged, "I'll try." 

And with that he went out with his head held high. As always. Goodness, I never knew I would be the one Percy would ask for some serious dating advice. Must have been awful though. 

But anyway it will work if Percy attempts to follow even 25% of it. The best part is that it made me forget about the Divination scene. And I'm not planning on recalling it again, thank you very much.


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