[41] Creating A Corporeal Patronus

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That nightmare had shaken me a lot to be honest. And for a few days I was not feeling quite well to go about with my usual pranks or jokes. Maybe it was too noticeable because James took me aside today and asked what was wrong with me. Of course I just told him that I was homesick but I could see he knew that wasn't the case. 

Anyhow I was in the school grounds reading some of the 4th year books I had borrowed from Moony just to keep myself up to date with the studies because I kind of know literally nothing about magic and not studying is definitely not gonna help me (while the others were practicing for the upcoming Quidditch match). 

If I get back to my own time that is 1992, then the next year would be OWLs year or rather as Fred and George put it: the nerve wrecking Obliterating Worry Levels. 

Moony was scribbling an essay for Professor Binns and was continuously muttering about the anatomy of Hogwarts and the histories behind it (once or twice even enlightening me with a fact or two, such as how a student's heart froze when the Bloody Baron passed through her), "she had a palpitating heart, that's why. You shouldn't worry if any of the ghosts glide through you. But be prepared for an immersion in icy coldness. Besides its only the Baron who does that every now and then for his amusement." 

Okay... It was quite noisy out here and I noticed that even though Moony seemed to hate all the noise and chagrin in the previous match, he wasn't bothered at all now. I sometimes wonder why the hell am I so unnecessarily observant. 

Soon we were joined by Padfoot and Prongs who looked quite glad with the proceedings of their team's training. "Bet you anything the next match's ours," Padfoot remarked ecstatically. 

"Heard the new Slytherin seeker is a bit of a trouble though," Prongs muttered as if weighing the pros and cons. 

I saw how Sirius's face turned into a frown immediately, "he better watch out then." 

I spoke, "but that's what seekers do, right? Watch out for the Snitch." 

He elaborated, "I meant he better watch out for the victories or losses in Quidditch. Don't worry, Prongs, Reg's just an immature, I'm pretty sure there can be a single thing which he doesn't excel at. On second thoughts, you better inform Lucas to be prepared well. If we don't get the Snitch before Slytherin..." 

He left the sentence deliberately incomplete for a much desired effect. Trust him to be always unbelievably dramatic. However he turned to look at me, "Hey, what are you reading?" Within seconds he had taken the book. "Oh... Patronuses," he spoke, "loved that lesson in Charms, didn't we Moony?" 

Moony nodded, "of course. By the way Padfoot you know your Divination homework is going due, right? Two essays. And not to forget, another scroll which Professor Binns asked for about the Reforms made by previous Headmasters; especially Everard and Dilys?" 

Padfoot rolled his eyes, "it's Quidditch season. How do you expect me to complete everything along with all the commotion going out here? Tell you what, Moons, there are so many other tasks to accomplish in life that homework becomes merely an afterthought." 

Padfoot goes about on his own philosophy which is rather different from ordinary people. Moony shook his head as if disappointed and resumed scribbling his notes. 

"Hey I used to wonder whether your Patronus would take the form of Lily Evans when you first casted it," Sirius remarked over to James. 

"It is not possible for a Patronus to take a human form," Moony mumbled, "and it would have been weird watching Lily fighting off dementors." 

Prongs, however, was smirking, "she'd look hot though." Typical James Potter statement. 

Very soon Wormtail turned up and facing Moony and Prongs he spoke, "Minnie wants to see both of you in her office. Wonder what you did now, Moony. Though about Prongs I can have a fair idea." 

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