[80] Order Of Merlin For Being A Jerk

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I slowly opened my eyes and flinched at the blinding white light surrounding me. As my eyes adjusted after blinking twice or thrice, I realized I was in the Hospital Wing.

As expected.

Well of course, after winding up in a massive fight including a werewolf, an animagus and a stinky good for nothing Dark Wizard, I was bound to end up here all bandaged and blanketed for goodness knows how long bed rest.

My back ached still but the terrible gash on it was cured thanks to Madam Pomfrey. She might be brilliant but I hate it when I wake up to find myself in these starched white sheets. I rather prefer my own four poster in the Gryffindor dorms, thank you very much.

"Hey," I heard a voice and sat up cautiously to see the one person I wasn't expecting in the least. Draco Malfoy was sitting lazily in one of the visitor's chairs.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him or rather reprimanded him, to be honest. He looked as if caught off guard. "I mean you didn't just come here to pay me a visit, right?" I elaborated and then muttered under my breath, "thickhead."

He straightened, "yes... Yes, of course, why would I come to visit you? I just... I just came for a check up. Madam Pomfrey called me."

Oh... Check up? Malfoy's pretty little arm is still hurting him? How convenient.

"Oh good. But by the looks of it, you must have had your check up. I suppose you should be heading back to class by now," I retorted. Yeah I know this is a very Percy Weasley statement. Who cares, by the way?

I raised an eyebrow at him as if waiting for him to get up. He didn't make any attempt to leave though which was quite surprising.

He spoke, "I heard about last night."

Oh really? I didn't. Of course the whole school must have heard of it by now.

"Did you? Quite marvelous, wasn't it?" I know my sarcasm has gotten full hold of me by now, "I'm sure a great celebration would have been held."

He was gaping at me as if I had lost my mind, "celebration? What do you mean?"

Oh dear, poor Malfoy is knocked out of it by none other than me in my characteristic insanity fits, "well, it was the national holiday of Sweden. I doubt that you've ever read any newspaper other than the Daily Prophet. That must be the reason you would get a zero in general knowledge if you ever attended Muggle schools."

At that statement, his eyes looked as if they would pop out, "I mean about the Whomping Willow incident in which you got hurt."

I rolled my eyes, "oh that! Well yeah, I got hurt. Any problem?"

His eyes shifted uncomfortably. Those eyes... Gray with a bluish tinge. Why the hell were his eyes sort of familiar? Leave it, Katerina, you probably hit your head harder than you thought.

"How are you feeling now?" he asked in a really low voice.

I wonder what's up with Malfoy. Why is he asking about me? "Absolutely fantastic," I replied sarcasm dripping from each word but now I was watching him keenly for any sign of the sudden improvement in behavior.

"You must have been hurt pretty bad," he mumbled again.

"Yeah very," I answered, "but certainly being a victim of the Dark Arts is absolutely nothing as compared to getting almost killed by Hagrid's bloody chicken, isn't it?"

His usually pale face turned crimson red (like tomatoes freshly ripe and picked), "oh... I... You're making fun of me!"

I laughed at his reaction. "No, I'm being honest, Malfoy. It must have been such a life threatening experience for you. Buckbeak's talons might have hurt like hell. I suppose you nearly escaped the menacing jaws of death, didn't you? And that poor little arm! It's a wonder you can still move it about. A miracle, indeed!"

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