[62] Secrets Intolerable 101

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The trip to Kings Cross was quite cheerful and Ron had a whole story to tell us about Aragog the Acromantula (oh yes, I figured out what those acromantulas are: giant spiders about many feet tall, must be a scary sight to behold) as well as the duel with Gilderoy Lockhart (Ronald's backfiring wand at its best, well it was widely agreed that Lockhart won't be coming back next year, gone for good). 

It was all very funny to listen to though I knew Ron would have been scared senseless in all those events he told us about. Being friends with the Chosen One can drag you down into numerous adventures, trust me. And then that diary. 

No one spoke about the diary in front of Ginny now since she was quite sensitive about it but one thing was certain: that ancient cluster of blank pages and leather binding was a Dark object and the key element in the opening of the Chamber of Secrets. 

Anyhow all that has passed is past now. The one thing that prevailed (which I knew clearly wasn't going to subside that easily) was the cold barrier between Gin and me. Ah well... She's not the one to blame entirely, you know. Anyone in her place would think the same. And with that Tom Riddle to egg her emotions on... 

Oh yes, Harry told us about Riddle as well. Kinda awkward the way he said that he didn't look at all like someone who would evolve into the Darkest most evil person to walk the Earth. Yeah, awkward. But then one shouldn't rely on appearances alone. 

I mean... No, just forget it. I'm not quite in the mood to give a confusing philosophical lecture today. No thanks. 

Mom and Dad were waiting at the Station for us. They had been sent an owl earlier regarding the situation and Mom engulfed Ginny into a tight hug soon as she stepped out. Dad also bent down and now they were having a little private conversation. 

I said goodbye to my friends: Angelina, Katie, Oliver, the rest of our Quidditch team, Lee Jordan, Penelope Clearwater (yeah you heard it right, Percy's dear girlfriend), Luna Lovegood, Neville and so on and so on. I even spotted Davies and it was thoroughly hilarious to see him edge away soon as he caught my eye. 

God, sometimes it feels so good to scare someone. 

Finally after all the hellos and goodbyes, Mom told us that we were leaving. From the corner of my eye, I spotted a man (really really fat to the point of bursting out of his tweed jacket, swollen reddish purple face), a woman (probably his wife, stick thin with a crane like neck, upturned nose that showed how accustomed it was to be stuck in other people's business, disgusted frown and tightly knit eyebrows), and last but not least a boy of about Ron's age (nothing like Ron in the least, quite a miniature duplicate of the ludicrously fat man with a mop of blonde hair on his head, well actually seeing him made me think that he must be the kind of person who eats a lot but has not a fickle sense in his mind). 

The three of them were eyeing Harry as if he had just vomited on their shoes. Oh wait, I remember that man! He's Harry's Uncle Vernon Dursley who was absolutely furious when we sneaked Harry out from right under his nose through Dad's flying Ford Anglia. 

Harry went up to them quietly staring down at the ground. I do feel sorry for the poor child. And to think that this woman... This Petunia Dursley was Lily's sister... Actual sister... Trust me, all this is unbelievable. 

And the fact that Harry lived with these people who were so different was all the more frightening. It could only mean that the other three of the Marauders were unable to take Harry in. I wonder why, though. 

As far as I know they would have loved to take care of their little Prongslet, Moony would have enjoyed reading bedtime stories to him, Sirius would have loved to spoil him by giving him everything he asked for, Wormtail would have baked each birthday cake and thrown out huge feasts, Marlene would surely have loved to take him to the park, eat ice cream and sometimes even play dress up with him. 

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