[73] A Girly Weekend

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Christmas was edging near. The weather grew cold and we should have minimized our Quidditch practices as well, but Oliver wasn't having any of it. Besides the spectacular defeat we had to face a few days ago was enough to make Oliver go into fast bulldozer mode.

Oh yeah, we got defeated by Hufflepuff. And all due to those ghastly Dementors.

The weather was so bad and we were already having a tough time to score when the Dementors decided to show up for an after-party. And what do you expect? They attacked our seeker, he fell off his broom from a great many feet (thank Merlin, Dumbledore was there to slow down the fall or else Harry would broken all his bones instead of just the arm like last year), and to top it all of Harry's broom was devoured by the Whomping Willow.

Could that day possibly get any worse?

First Snape with the awful DADA class and then the defeat, ugh!

That day, Oliver was in his worst moods. Of course he didn't blame Harry for the defeat but he was still real down. And on this Hogsmeade weekend I was doing my best to avoid the Quidditch Team gathering.

Which thankfully was cancelled.

I do care for Oliver though and I know it isn't good for him to stress himself that much. But when defeats like this occur, he tends to get a lot more scary. So avoiding is the best option.


Today though I had ditched the twins for a girl's trip with Angelina and Katie. Besides both my brothers would be more than just pleased to get rid of me and go off to plan insane pranks with Lee Jordan and buy unbelievable prank stuff which they normally can't when I'm around to keep an eye on them.

But then lately I hadn't been able to hang out with my other friends so this once, I decided to get that problem solved as well.

Angelina, Katie and me had planned a rather fun weekend ahead of us since the three of us really needed a break from all the Quidditch tension.

I met up with the girls at the gates out to Hogsmeade and it was more than just visible how hyped we were for the weekend. Our key to finally let go of all the stress building up inside us. And of course, who wouldn't look forward to that?

"Finally... We are out for some fun!" Angelina remarked joyously soon as we entered the village. Everyone was about as happy as she was.

"And don't forget, we have to get the Christmas presents today as well," I reminded them both. Obviously, this was the only chance we would get to shop for presents.

Last Christmas I hadn't given anything to anyone. But I guess the situation wasn't in my favor back then. And I felt really bad about that. Except Harry, though, I did give him a photograph of his parents and their friends as a present.

Thinking of which...

"Magnificent," Katie breathed as we walked past the snow covered shops. I quickly shook my thoughts away and took in the surroundings. True, it looked magnificent.

Hogsmeade looked like a Christmas card. The little thatched cottages and shops were all covered in a layer of crisp snow. There were holly wreaths on the doors and strings of enchanted candles hanging in the trees.

It was all so beautiful.

We headed to Honeydukes first. Ever since I had first visited Hogsmeade, this was my favorite spot. The girls and I were more than just glad to get our hands on the delicious sweets. Especially the chocolate nougats. It is their specialty nowadays.

And yes, a few candy canes could be seen in the display as well. Seasonal sweets.

After Honeydukes, we decided to check the village around so we could buy the presents.

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