[67] Dementor Defense (At Failure)

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Early next morning, all of us were assembled for breakfast, our trunks were packed and loaded in the cars that the Ministry had provided for us (wonder what made them so generous though) and we were about to head off to Kings Cross. 

A new term at Hogwarts, possibly the most difficult term there is (except NEWTs) and the fact that our school would be surrounded by those ghastly Dementors wasn't quite a pleasing way to start the session. 

Mom sent us off to the train with a lot of sermons such as stay away from the forest, follow the rules, do not even try to get near to the Dementors (I mean, come on, who wants to be near them anyway?) stay safe, no looking out for criminals on the loose etc etc etc. The list could go on forever. 

The train started to move and we waved at Mom and Dad until they vanished from sight. "Sweet from the trolley, dears?" the Trolley witch passed us and shooed us off into a compartment. 

Soon enough we were joined by Lee, Angelina and Katie. I must say that seeing our friends again after the holidays sure is refreshing. But the not so refreshing thing was that the topic of discussion was none other than Sirius Black and the Dementors at school.

However, I was saved the trouble because I hadn't got to have any chit chat with my friends at all. Soon after we had found a compartment and decided to dive into the chatter, my lovely brothers came to tell me that Prefects are supposed to sit in the Prefects cabin and also that I was ten minutes late.

Not a very good first impression for a Prefect, right? I was more angered on the smug looks the twins had while informing me that. Seriously couldn't anyone tell that to me before hand? Like here I live in a family which has had Prefects for generations and yet no one bothered to let slip such a crucial piece of information.

To top it off, the meeting in the Prefect's cabin had been utterly boring. The same old lectures of a mass murderer being on the loose and the whole new set of regulations for us to ensure that everyone was as safe as possible.

It was so boring that I didn't hesitate to slip out of there soon as I got the chance and went off to find the twins.


We were roaming through the corridors when suddenly the train started to slow down. 

"It's not Hogsmeade station yet. It can't be," Fred remarked. 

George shrugged, "something might be wrong or maybe we just reached earlier." 

However even I knew that wasn't the case. We were definitely somewhere in the middle of nowhere but there seemed no possible reason for the train to stop. 

"Let's look in some of the cabins," the twins suggested. 

Fine by me. And by the way, Lee Jordan's tarantula was on the loose and we were supposed to find it. Yeah, that is what we were doing in the corridors in the first place; finding the lost tarantula. 

We opened the door to the nearest cabin. Oh good, Ron, Harry and Hermione are here. 

"Ronald, have you by any chance seen Lee Jordan's tarantula?" I asked. 

"It's a lot like a spider. Eight legs. Hairy. And yes, it bites," George elaborated. 

"It's not here and be quiet," Ron drew instinctively back in his seat. 

"We thought it would be here since all the spidery things have such great fondness for our dear little Ronniekins," Fred added winking at him mischievously. 

"Hush, I said be quiet," this time Ron gestured over to the other side where a lump of blankets was place. 

Uh... Not exactly a lump of blankets, but yeah that's the first thing that came to my mind. There was a sudden jolt as the train stopped and I would have toppled inside if the twins hadn't grabbed my arm in time. 

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