[51] Back To The Present

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When I opened my eyes everything was a hazy blur to me. I couldn't figure out where I was. I could hear people talking in hushed voices and all I could see was an eerie white light. I tried to sit up. Someone grabbed my hand and helped me. 

"She's awake!"

"Thank Merlin!"

"You sure she's not forgotten us or anything? I mean she was passed out for the whole night."

"Ronald, she just suffered a minor concussion, nothing that serious to make her lose her memory. And if you don't know what a concussion is then..."

"This is not the time for elaborate explanations, Hermione."

"How did she turn up in the Willow by the way?"

"Freaking unbelievable and to think that it actually..."

"SHUT UP ALL OF YOU! Let me see if she's okay." 

The voices grew louder and closer and as my vision adjusted gradually, the first thing that I saw was the starched white sheets. Hospital Wing. Nothing unusual. Looking up, I received the greatest amount of thrill, happiness and relief all rolled into one. Weird, right? Staring down at me were all those faces which I knew and had so missed. Fred, George, Ron, Harry, Hermione, half of the Gryffindor house and not to forget Ginny as well as dear old Percy.

"Would you just keep the volume down, Fred? Madam Pomfrey said we were not to make any noise." 

Oh how I missed them. Even Percy's never ending lectures. Gosh, I'm finally back. And I'm all in one piece (Padfoot had spent the last two nights narrating horrible stories of all the dreadful things that happened to wizards who messed with time, I was scared, okay? I mean, his description of his Uncle Polaris losing his internal organs was extremely gross). Thank Heavens nothing of that sort happened to me. 

Percy was looking down at me with what looked like an extremely anxious look as if trying to guess whether I'd survive or not. "Hey Perce!" I chirped. 

"Katerina, are you okay?" Percy asked. 

I nodded, "of course I am. How about you?" 

He stared at me as if something was seriously wrong with me, "then why are you grinning like an idiot?" 

Oh that, well, I'm grinning because I'm super glad to see you guys! But then of course how would he know. For them only a few hours must have passed since my disappearance. 

"I'm perfectly fine," I assured him. 

He still raised an eyebrow as if questioning me: are you really sure about that? 

Ah well... The twins stepped forward pushing Percy out of the way, "goodness, Kat, you gave us a terrible fight. First you got lost then we found you unconscious near the Whomping Willow. We thought something awful happened to you." 

I smiled seeing them so concerned about me, "oh don't worry, you guys can't get rid of me this early." 

But looks like Percy still had a lot more to say, "I told you not to break school rules. And I told you not to associate with these pranksters. I hope you have realized that nothing good ever comes from wandering at night after curfew." 

Perfect Percy and his lectures. 

I sighed, "oh come on. It was nothing. Just an accident." 

His voice dropped low but his eyes reflected concern and worry (or perhaps that's what it looked like; I'm not an expert at face reading, y'know), "what if something terrible actually happened to you?" 

I was taken aback. His words probably meant that he was genuinely anxious. The shock must have been visible on my face because he spoke immediately, "I mean what would I say to Mom and Dad if something awful did happen. I'm in charge of you people, right? All the responsibility lies in my hands. And you people do all you can to make it worse and harder." 

My smile widened, it had been so long since I had actually teased my dear Head Boy brother, "aw Percy, that's so sweet. You were worried about me!" 

He scowled, "was not!" 

Fred and George piped up, "oh wow even Perfect Perce gets worried about at least one of us." 

I joined in, "don't worry, its okay. Its not abnormal to care for someone." 

He glared at me threateningly (gosh me and the twins are actually pissing him off), "you wish." 

And now he'll storm out of here. Usual behavior. 

But before storming off he turned back to face me, "oh and by the way, you're not perfectly fine either. You fractured your leg and thankfully I won't have to worry about you sneaking out after curfew now." 

What the...?!?! Fractured it again! Ugh. But at least on the good side, this time I'll be able to get the injury healed by dear Madam Pomfrey. 

And yes Percy stormed off. He always manages to have the last word with me and trust me that never happens often in any other person's case. 

"Looks like Trelawney got at least one prediction right. Beware of falling, my dear... Great destinies will be affected..." The twins began to chant. 


There was a great deal of noise though as it seemed all of my visitors had started talking all at once. And the noise didn't cease until Madam Pomfrey kicked them all out of the infirmary. Only the twins were allowed to stay (much on my insistence). 

"So which secret passage did you figure out?" Fred asked. 

"I don't know," I replied, "it was just that I fell through something and hit my head perhaps." 

George muttered, "pity you can't explode Filch's office with us now." 

Yeah, pity indeed. 

"No worries, I'll be up and about in a few days," I reassured them. I do have much faith in Madam Pomfrey, y'know, considering that I have seen her patch up wounds that are far worse than this; werewolf wounds. Well... 

"We really hope you're okay by the next Quidditch match. We're up against Ravenclaw this time," Fred told me. 

Yeah, I hope so too. It had been so long since I had flown a broom or played Quidditch. Five long months for me, of course. Even though this leg injury (again!) was something which I had not looking forward to in the least but the thought of being back with all of them (without any serious mishap) was what kept me grateful. 

But then I just remembered something, "you were talking about some secret passage, right?" 

The twins looked at each other then laughed, "oh that. We'll show you. It's top secret but since you also happen to be part of our mischief... All we can say for now is that knowing the secret passages is not that difficult if you have a certain little help. And that is the key to all our successfully accomplished pranks." 

Secret passages... Certain help... It does sound a bit familiar. 

"We have Care of Magical Creatures lesson about now," George spoke, "will see you in the lunch break." 

Until lunch break then.


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