My Immortal Series - Need Chapter Ten

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To be on the edge of breaking down When there’s no one there to save you No you don’t know what it’s like

Welcome to my life by Simple Plan


Zac pulled Aly to her feet and wrapped her in his arms, giving her warmth against the cool air. ‘It’s getting very late. You should be getting back before they start to really worry about you.’

Aly muffled a sound into Zac’s chest. She didn’t want to leave him but yet she knew she had to get back before Megan called on the police to lodge a Missing Person’s Report. They headed back towards the house hand in hand. The path was dark and there was hardly any light from the moon, but Zac led the way making sure Aly never once lost her step.

When they reached the back landing, the house shone brightly against the dark sky. Even without knowing why, an uneasiness crept into Aly as she stared ahead in silence. Something was wrong, very wrong. Where was the tiny little dog’s yapping? Even though he hardly reached a foot high, his bark was immensely loud. One his best days, he was Daytona Speedway and she wouldn't have gotten two steps in before he was at her heels. She loosened her fingers from his grasp and ran the last few steps to the door. It was not locked and she let herself in to find the place empty.

She stood in the middle of the living room, trying hard not to let the mounting panic consume her sanity. She didn’t even call out their names. The eerie stillness of the house made her insides turn; her mouth opened but not a sound was uttered.  Her hand gripped the side of the table for support – her blood drained from her head leaving her lightheaded and faint.  So this is what it feels like so helpless, again.

This can’t be happening again.   

A piece of cloth lying on the floor caught her eye, all crumpled and discarded as if thrown in a rush – covered with red stains. Gingerly, she picked it up and recoiled in horror. It was soaked in blood and intuition told her it was Mr Bob’s. Something happened, something terrible had happened and even without all the details, Aly blamed it all on herself. Tears welled up her eyes as she turned around to face Zac.

‘Can you please come with me to the Vet? It’s Mr Bob, I’m sure. Don’t ask me how I know but I just know something happened to him.  He needs you and I need you, please.’

He didn’t move and he gave no answer; his eyes on her, imploring her to say unerringly what she wanted from him. She made her eyes stay on him before finally dropping her head and said; her voice barely a whisper, ‘Help me.’

This time he answered her but with pain clearly written in his eyes.

‘You know I cannot change what is.’ He whispered back softly and didn’t make any attempt to move closer to her.

‘I do know.’ Tears flowed freely down her cheeks now. ‘That’s the hardest part.’

‘But can you accept that?’ He sighed, his voice beseeching for her understanding.

Aly didn’t reply immediately and he didn’t press further. By now, she felt like a trembling leaf caught up in a storm. The silence escalated to a deafening stage before she finally spoke.

‘Honestly, in this instance, I don’t know. All I want is my dog back in one piece. Is that too much to ask of you?’ She replied him defiantly.  As her world spun faster and faster, she dug her nails into the surface of the table, markings that would later serve as a memory of this day.

‘Then, I’m sorry Aly but I can’t go with you.’ He let out a sigh and took a step backwards.

She stared at him in total disbelief. Anger threatened to flare from her as she tried very hard to keep her tongue in check. Something stopped her, maybe it was the urgency to get to Mr Bob that instance or the lack of energy on her part to launch into a debate with him on the importance of a life and death matter. Everything suddenly became too much for her, she felt exhausted and not just because of the day’s event but because of the very essence of their relationship. She couldn’t even define where they were on the relationship level and from the look of things; they were hitting more than just brick walls.  Without a second glance at him, she grabbed her keys and made for her car. Having an angel harping on his moral standings was the least of her worries now.   

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