Chapter Three| New Years Day

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Mary Kate

"Rachel what do I wearrr" I whine looking through her stuff. I never planned on staying in NYC this long because I thought the lockout would be done sooner in all honesty. I haven't stayed in one place for too long in a while, never found a good enough reason to stay. So every place I went I would buy clothes there then donate them before I left. Luckily my best friend let me stay with her and her adorable clothes lives here too, so I can just raid her closet. "Hmmm white will look best with your eyes and hair. Wear black skinny jeans with the black uggs and a white coat and beanie" she says giving me everything. "God Rach you're a life saver" I call out running into the bathroom. I don't have many friends that I've kept around, but she's a good one. I quickly change and curl my long thick hair to my liking. I let her put minimal make up on then we chilled until it was time for me to go.

Snow starts to lightly fall over the city and I watch it from the high top apartment. "So tell me about the man who won your heart in just one day. A feat, might I add, no man has done for 24 years" Rachel says handing me a cup of hot chocolate which I happily take. "Hey, he's far away from home and looked like he needed a good companion. I'm just trying to help him out in this shitty situation" I defend before taking a sip. "Admit it, you like him" she says and I start to blush. "Do not! He's a work partner, just a really cute one" I giggle. "Oh my god did you just giggle? Who are you and what have you done with my best friend" she asks fake shocked and I roll my eyes. "You're a terrible friend, know that that" I ask. "Yeah. But you love me anyway" she comments, she has a point. "So... tell me about him" she asks like a teenage girl who just found out I was talking to the quarterback. She doesn't know a lot about hockey and being that she lives in NYC she knows about the Rangers or Islanders or Sabres more that anything. But me? I was a fan of the game and Jonathan Toews is the embodiment of hockey. "Well he's pretty tall and really fit. Like he was going to bust out of his suit at any moment. He has the deepest brown eyes that just yell out love and he has more passion for hockey in his pinky finger than most have in their whole body" I explain. Right now I don't have a job, besides settling this labor dispute I wasn't sure what I was going to do. But I was a city girl at heart and was hoping to find a job here or maybe Chicago or LA. Somewhere I can keep my mind off things but still be around hockey. "He sounds amazing, I hope you have fun" she says with a big smile.

I wait for Jonathan outside the building we agreed to meet at as the snow starts to fall heavier. Since I pretty much was raised on the ice the snow didn't bother me much. It honestly fascinated me, but pretty much everything does. "What are you looking for" a deep voice says and I look up to see a Jonathan with the cutest rosy cheeks. "Most things I'm looking for can't be seen with the eyes, but rather felt by the heart" I state and he raises his eyebrows. "Wow, that was deep" he says and I shrug. "Life's better when you aren't so predictable. Kind of like hockey, huh" I say nudging him. I feel my stomach flip when his skin meets mine, and it felt pretty good. He always made me feel good. "Lets get something warm to drink then go find a spot to watch the ball drop" he says and I nod.

After we pick up hot chocolate we find a good place to watch the ball drop and get comfortable. "So Mr. Toews, tell me about yourself" I ask as he sits himself next to me on a bench. "You don't have to call me that, most people call me Jonathan or Jon or Jonny. But I'm 24, my whole life I've been playing hockey and that's pretty much all there is to me. I'm a big family man but that's about it" he shrugs. Most athletes are like that, all gung ho on their sport, but I know there's more to him. There has to be. "That can't be it. What's your favorite Christmas memory" I ask trying to get to the real Jonathan Toews. "Probably when I was 6 years old. My dad had built a rink out back and I had just got a new pair of skates. I was so excited because my parents had my name put on them, I thought they were so special. My brother and I spent all morning getting ready to go play out on the rink. All my friends came out and we're going crazy over my new stuff I had got. We spent the whole day out there, playing in the snow. It's kind of simple but it's the little things I enjoy the most" he says dreamily. "See, I knew there was more to you" I say playfully kicking him. "That was still about hockey" he comments. "Yeah... but it's so much more than hockey" I remind him. "That, it is".

As it inches closer to midnight we gravitate towards the ball and mass of people. There were so many people here and the music was starting to wind down. He wraps his arm around me and I feel his presence through the thick layers of clothes I had on. His touch was nice, all that muscle yet he was so delicate with me. "Thanks for inviting me out tonight, I really appreciate it" I say as we approach a minute till midnight. He looks down on me with those doe eyes, closer than ever. "Thanks for agreeing to come. No offense, but you're a lot prettier than Sid" he jokes. As the seconds wind down I find myself in a awkward situation. Was he going to kiss me? I barley know the dude and the chances of anything between us actually happening are slim. But I liked him, I wasn't going to deny it. I kinda wanted him to kiss me. But we're so close to ending this shit show and being done with the lockout then getting back to hockey. I wasn't going to slow it down because I wanted time with Jonathan. He had a team to get back to, a really good one at that. But he was special, someone that being around makes you better. He was a risk I was willing to take but I'm not sure he felt the same way. The clock strikes zero as I'm snapped out of my thought and I look into his eyes, his face is lit by the fireworks as loud cheers ring out. "Happy New Years" he says before placing a kiss on my cheek, letting his lips linger for a second and I couldn't help but smile, that was so sweet. I was happy he didn't full on kiss me because I probably would have passed out. "Happy New Years, Jonathan" I say trying to remember what his lips felt like on my cheek.

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