Chapter Twenty-Two| Apologize

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Mary Kate

I got to morning skate the morning of the second game against the Wild and couldn't help but still love being around the ice. My back hurts like a bitch but I wasn't about to tell anyone that. They had other things to worry about, this was my problem, not theirs. "Mary Kate" someone calls and I see Shaw holding up a finger and disappearing into the locker room. I stay put because he was still a really good friend of mine, even if he tried to paralyze me. "I'm so sorry I feel so shitty I never meant to hurt you. I can't believe I did that, I just back checked so hard it sent you into the boards and I hurt you I'm so sorry. I got you a few things" he says. He was talking so fast I thought he was going to pass out. "I got you your favorite candy and a new Hawks stocking cap and some tape for your stick and cupcakes and a bag of lays because I know they're you're fav...". "ANDREW SHAW" I yell and he finally stops. "Andrew I'm not mad, accidents happen. We were just messing around, I know you would never intentionally hurt me. I promise, we're good" I say holding all the shit he just stuffed in my arms. "Are you positive, because I still have a few more things to give to you" he says holding up a bunch of other shit. "Yes, how about you donate this stuff to a local homeless shelter and we can call it even" I say handing him back stuff. I figured that someone else would appreciate this stuff more than I would. "You're the best MK, see you soon" he says running out to his car. God he was like a puppy.

"Good to have you back Ms. Fletcher" Joel says as I join him on the bench for the second game of the series. "Good to be back" I smile and he nods. I watched the last game from the boxes, and as much as I love the wives and girlfriends, nothing beats having the best seat in the house. This game goes by a lot quicker as the guys decide to play like they know they can. We win 5-2 and they wanted to celebrate. They all come over to Jonny's place and chill around for a while. I sit back in the kitchen and let the boys enjoy their success as I made food.

While making the brownies I hear loud music start and become very confused. We didn't have a sound system or anything but sounded like a DJ was is the living room. As I make my way into the living room I stumble across some sort of dance battle between the Crow and the one they called Sharpy. I watch the scene unfold and really start to question my decision to stay with these doofs. "One day Sharpy will learn to stop making these bets" Jonny says appearing next to me shaking his head. "I hope it's not for a long time, because this is great" I laugh watching Corey try to do the worm. That was one weird goal tender.

I return back to the kitchen and Jonny follows me as I finish pouring the mix into a baking pan. I try my best to bend over and put the brownies into the oven but let out a grunt as the food slides in. "How bad does your back hurt" he asks and I shrug. "It doesn't really" I respond as he lets out a loud sigh while running his fingers through his ever growing hair. "Mary Kate, don't lie to me please. I'm worried out of my mind about you" he says somberly. "Don't be. I had to get through this on my own once before I can do it again" I say quietly. I don't have a family, no one was there to worry about me or constantly check up on me last time. No need to start now. I don't want to push him away but I also don't need babying. "I'm going to be worried, okay. I love you, a lot actually, and I want to see you go for your hopes and dreams but I don't want you to be in pain. You don't deserve to be in any more pain" he says moving closer to me until he cups my face so I have to look into his doe eyes. "I'm not trying to shut you out... I promise" I say whole heartedly. "Sure does feel like it" he says letting go of my face. "I'm really not. Old habit die hard I guess. For the longest time it's been just me, but now it's me and you and I'm still adjusting" I admit. "I know, I forget that sometimes too. As long as you're trying that's all I ask of you" he says pulling me into a hug. "I am. I promise" I say as the timer goes off for the brownies. "I got it" he says opening the oven to retrieve the treats. "Umm Jonny, oven mitt" I say tossing it to him. That could have been bad. I slice the brownies and bring them out to the boys.

"So who won the dance battle" I ask sitting on the couch between Hossa and Jonathan. "Me" both Patrick and Corey say at the same time and I roll my eyes. Idiots. "These are so good, what's in them" Hammer asks. "Secret" I say with a wink. "Oh god she drugged us all" Pat claims over dramatically. "And yet you're still eating them" I laugh. "Hey, these are some bomb ass brownies" he shrugs.

Eventually everyone goes home and I lie in bed with Jonny. I haven't slept in my own bed for a while but I enjoyed his company. "Are you worried about playoffs" I wonder as he holds me close to him. "Not really, this year is different. We're all rested and focused. I have a good feeling" he mumbles into my hair. Man I hope he's right

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