Chapter Fifty-Five| The Speech

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Mary Kate

I stand by my locker in my jersey and shorts and wait for Pat in the empty locker room. The parade was today but I really needed to talk to him. I don't want to lose my best friend but he can't be in love with me either. "There's my favorite winger" he says pulling me into a hug. "Hey, can we talk" I ask and his smile fades. "Yeah, what's wrong" he asks as we sit on the bench. "How much do you remember from the other night" I ask feeling for what he knows and he shrugs. "Nothing honestly. After I left the ice it was all a blur" he admits. "I said something... didn't I" he asks and I nod. "You told me... you told me that you loved me. Like affectionately loved me" I tell him and he freezes. Those pretty blue eyes darken and his breathing slows. "I didn't want to read too much into it or overreact because you were drunk but..." I say but he cuts me off. "It's true" he confirms and I feel like my life hit a wall. "Why didn't you say anything" I wonder and he scoffs. "What am I supposed to say, hey Jonny I'm in love with you're fiancé mind if I hit that" he jokes and I let out a laugh. I didn't want to but that was funny. "Stop, I'm being serious. There's so many things I wouldn't have said or joked about if I knew that's how you felt" I tell him. "I'll be fine, I got Vanessa now and she's amazing. She's not you although I do love her and I love living with her. But your coffee is still the best" he says nudging me. "Thanks... so what do we do now" I ask and he shrugs. I can't lose my best friend, I would go insane without him. "I'm good now, I got Vanessa. But it does feel good knowing that you know. Takes a lot of weight off my shoulders" he admits. "So we're good" I ask and he nods. "We're good" he says pulling me into a hug. I let out a huge sigh because I know Jon would be pretty unhappy if he knew about this and I'm glad we could get it figured out before he lost it.

I get on the bus and find Jon talking to Crow and Sharpie. "There's the woman of the hour" Crow says and I strike a pose. "Hey babe" Jonny says pulling me into the side hug and placing a kiss on my lips. I open my eyes to see he was still looking down at me. I take in his features, his strong jawline and sharp cheek bones. Then his lips curl into a smile and without talking I knew everything he was going to say. "Are they about to screw" Crow asks and we break apart. "Way to ruin a moment you dingus" Sharp states by slapping his chest hard. We talk and chill out until the bus starts moving. "Crow is adamant he is going to DJ our wedding" Jon informs me. "Is that so" I ask turning to Corey who wore a smile. "Well yeah, I have a wide variety of music interests" he defends. We already had everything set but I wouldn't mind seeing Corey try to DJ, he can't be worse than Kaner. "You can do a song, and the first time you play something inappropriate you're done" I warn and he throws his hands up innocently.

As we pass by the sea of people I notice that this was different than 2013. I appreciated it more and this time people were wearing my jersey. Actually a lot of people were wearing my jersey. "How many people do you think are out here" I ask as we pass another mass of people. "I think they said somewhere around 3 million" Jon says and eyes nearly bulge out. "Wow, that's so cool" I say and wave to a few fans. We keep on down the parade route and watch as people hang out of trees and windows, that was me not too long ago. We pull up to Solider field and get off while we wait for people to get into the Bears stadium. We all decide to sign each other jerseys and it was honestly my favorite part of the day. There will never be another jersey like mine. "Can I write Mighty Mutt" Andrew asks and I let out a laugh. I stayed away from the beer today because I never usually drink so if that's all I do for like three days I might throw up for a week straight. But most of the boys... yeah they were wasted. "Sign whatever you would like, but I want to show this to my kids so keep it appropriate" I warn. "Hey, Mk sign my jersey" Crow demands. "Only if you promise another great speech" I say and he hands me the Sharpie with a smirk. I sign it and head to the stage.

I await my turn to speak but no one told me I would be the last one so I stood at the top of the steps and wait for everyone to pass. "You nervous rookie" Sharpy chirps and I roll my eyes. He was always causing me trouble, but I wouldn't have it any other way. "No Sharp... I'm not. But thanks for asking" I say pushing him as he walks up the stage. "Hey Ashley" I comment as Hossa makes his way up the stairs. "Hey Mary Kate, I'm proud of you" he says nudging me. "Are you trying to make me cry" I ask and he shrugs. "Come here" he says pulling me into a hug. "You're coming to the wedding right" I ask and he nods. "Wouldn't miss it for the world". Corey keeps his promise and gives a big "fucking right chicagooooo" into the mic and I felt like I didn't even need to speak anymore. But as soon as I hit the stage and see the sea of people they raise to their feet and I get chills. The boys start chanting speech as I make my way to the microphone.

"Hey guys what up" I joke as the crowd cheers loudly. "Um I guess I'm supposed to give a speech, but it'll be nothing like Coach Qs famous speeches" I laugh and he blushes. "Many of you guys know my story, ESPN sure as hell has made a lot of money telling it. But that's only the outline of what I went through in order to stand on this stage before you. I lost much more than my family. I lost all hope, I lost my dreams, and I lost the desire to keep going. A lot of times I wished my life was taken along with my families because I missed them so much. I thought I couldn't get through this without them and there was no point in fighting. But I was raised as an athlete, ice ran through my veins. At least that's what my mom told me. She started the nickname Ice Queen when I started to play with the boys, I hated the attention but the name stuck pretty well. It was hard to try and get something when you've lost so much. I wasn't supposed to walk again, let alone play hockey. But just because someone tells you no it doesn't mean no. It means find another way. So I found people willing to help me and one thing led to another and I learned to walk for the second time. I met Jon a few years after that, no intention to play again. I missed watching hockey so I worked with the NHLPA to bring hockey back. After we got it all figured out Jon gave me a offer to come to Chicago to work with the Hawks. The years between me leaving the hospital and working with the Hawks I traveled a lot, I didn't know what I was looking for, but whatever it was I found it here in Chicago. This city, its head and shoulders above all the other cities I lived in. The fans are second to none and I've never felt so loved. Here I found a new family and I'm adamant on keeping this one. Some of us will get traded or become a free agents but this team is forever in my heart, and I will never lose them. Now look at me; the first woman to play in the NHL, first woman's name on the cup, defying all odds. That's why I started the Fletcher Family Foundation, because every athlete deserves a chance to chase their dreams until they become a reality. I still feel like I'm dreaming sometimes, I look around at the people I'm surrounded by and have to pinch myself. This team, they never doubted me. From the first day they had my back, and I want that for other people. It's not going to be easy, but anything worth having isn't. At the end of the hardest roads is the best destinations. And now here I stand, in front of thousands of the best fans and besides the best athletes in the world saying dreams do come true, and I want everyone who is listening to know that. But dreams don't work unless you do. Thanks for coming out"

I walk back and stand next to Jon who wouldn't stop smiling at me. "That was beautiful" he says. "Were you crying" I ask and Patrick appears behind him vigorously nodding his head. We finish up the parade and Jon and I head home. We were moving next week and getting married at the end of the month. It was busy times for us and I was happy to jump into bed. "I'm so tired" I groan into the pillow. "Hi tired, I'm Jonathan nice to meet you" Jon says and I roll over just to glare at him. "Im sorry, I had to" he says crawling into bed next to me. "I'm proud of you" he says playing with my hair. "I'm proud of you too, your records looking pretty good" I say and he shrugs. "I've been on some good teams. But this one is my favorite" he admits. "You're my favorite" I reply causing him to smile. I fall asleep not too long after knowing nothing I dream of could beat my life right now.

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