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Whenever anything bad happen to me, I remember my father saying "Annabeth, no matter how sad and miserable your life is, there'll always be an end to this sadness and this end will be the beggining of a new, happy life. So never give up and always be patient for the end of the sadness and the beggining of the happiness" 

His words are the reason why I am standing on my feet, living until this moment without him. My father is- was a very wise man. He was outgoing, but also strict. He is a noble man. A man you can depend on. A hero. Everything he used to say to me are still on my mind and all his instructions are my gloden rules which I can never unfollow.

My mother was like my dad. She was a heroine, but she was also an angel. Whenever I am sad or upset, I also remember her kind words "Always smile, Beth. Never let anybody make you sad or upset for a moment. Never frown or cry or shed a tear for anyone, because no one is worth it." 

I never saw my Mom frown or cry. She always smiled, laughed and joked with us and Dad. They loved each other very much and they never fought. I wonder when am I going to find someone like Dad who'd protect me and love me as he loved Mom? I always dreamt of having a relatioship similar to theirs.

My sister, Sam, was my only bestfriend. She was an angel, just like my Mom. She always smiled, like my Mom and they shared many things in common. While I am so much like my father. Sam was the most kind, caring, beutiful sister in this whole world. We used to hangout together everyday.

She was a year younger than me but we were like twins, we were never seperated. Until this accident happened. The accident that didn't take all my family away, but also my life, my world. It was when we were returning home from a picnic together. We were all really happy, I would never forget the cheerful, happy look in the eyes of my Dad, Mom and Samantha. It was the best moment of my life.

A truck hit us hard and I was the only one who survived the accident. Mom and Dad died instantly but Samantha stayed in the E.R. for two days. Her last words will always play themselves in my mind. "I love you, Beth. I'll always will." Our hands were intertwined and we were crying heavily. Samantha then closed her eyes forever.

I don't remember living any day happily after their death. It's like part of me was dead with them. Part of me will always be sad and miserable no matter how happy I am. Because part of my life will always be missing without my family.



A word that could change people's lives forever. For good or for bad. And even if it turned their lives into hell, they'll never hate LOVE. It's a simple, yet complicated thing. Amazing, yet horrible. Meaningful, but meaningless. People could say many things about LOVE, but they'll never know how it feels until they experience it.

Little did they know about LOVE. Little did they know what it is capable of doing. Little did they know that it change people's lives. Little did they know. They think that LOVE is all about liking someone for his looks, or just because you have a very hot boyfriend whom you like means that you LOVE him. It's strange when a thirteen years old have a crush on the school's most famous guy and say that she's in LOVE because this is not what love is.

LOVE is a lot more different, a lot more beautiful and a lot deeper. LOVE is when you don't see the external looks of somebody but his internal. When you don't care if this person is HOT or NOT, you just care and love their personality. When you know that this person is everything you care and think about. Suddenly, all your world seem to revolve around that person. Like if he was the sun and you are just a tiny small planet which means nothing, which is burnt by his radiations. Its like you are Mercury, part of you is always burnt and very bright. And this is when you see that person. And part of you is always dark and cold. And this is when you are not around him.

LOVE is when you get butterflies in your stomach whenever his name is mentioned. Only his name. LOVE is when you know that you want to stay with that person for the rest of your life, when you know that you care about him more than you care about yourself, when all you do is wanting to see him smile, laugh, or be happy, when you want to stay close to him, to hold him and to to touch him. And when you can't do anything to stop these feelings, then this is when you're in LOVE! And this is why I know I'm in LOVE... 

And I know that he's that kind of guy you shouldn't LOVE, but I guess no one could control his heart and this was the only time when I couldn't control it. He just captured my heart and stole it and ran away with it like a thief. He's a thief, but my thief.

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