Chapter 7

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“Josh?” I asked. I was actually shocked right now because there was Josh, standing at my door. What is he doing here? I have already told him that I was busy at Friday so what is he doing here? “What are you doing here?” I asked raising my eyebrows at him. He checked me up and down before finally looking at me.

“Umm, I, well, I thought you changed your plans for today so, I thought to step by. But you seem really strict on your, date?” He stated nervously. How did he know I had a date? Oh, I am dressing as if I’m going to a prom! I let out a sigh before speaking.

“Josh, I already told you that I had plans, and I would’ve called you if I changed it, won’t I?” I asked. He looked down to the floor then I felt sorry for speaking rudely to him. “Josh, I’m really sorry I was expecting- um, I was not really expecting you at my door. So, um, want to come in for a chat?” I said. Josh looked up at me and then his cute smile showed on his face. I loved that smile of his. I loved everything about Josh. He was like a brother to me. We knew each other since kindergarten, but I never thought of him more than a brother. He was attractive, but not as Harry. Harry was simply a GOD! I stepped aside and gestured for him to walk in. I shut the door behind me and asked Josh what he wanted to drink. We ended up sitting on the couch, drinking my famous hot chocolate. I and Josh always used to drink it when we were together in my or his place. We sat in silence, awkward silence before Josh decided to break it.

“You look really good, Bethie.” Josh said. I looked at him to find him smiling at me. I smiled back and thanked him. We sat there for ten minutes talking about things at school and how people stopped bullying me because I was Sarah, Melina and Stephanie’s friend. I didn’t tell him about Harry, though. I don’t know why, maybe because I didn’t want anyone, but my girlfriends to know about my little secret. Suddenly, the door-bell rang making me jump. I knew who this person was; Harry.

“I got this.” Josh said as he stood up from the couch beside me and started jogging to the door. I wanted to jump on him like a ninja and throw him out of the window in order to prevent the scene that’s going to happen now, when Josh meets Harry, when good meet’s bad, when an angel meets a, beast. I quickly got up and started running for the door. I stooped in my tracks as Josh opened the door. Everything in this moment seemed to go in slow motion. The door-handle opened very slowly that I wanted to go and break it for increasing the tension in me. Finally, the door opened, revealing a Harry standing. I couldn’t see him completely because Josh was standing in front of his gorgeous body. But Harry towered over Josh so; I saw his face, his beautiful face. Josh and Harry both turned to face me with mouths hanging open in the same exact moment.

“Hi. Harry.” I said to erase the tension. Little did I know that it increased?

“What is he doing here, Annabeth?” Josh asked. Harry glared at him before defending himself.

“Actually, I am supposed to be the one asking you this question.” Harry said raising an eyebrow at Josh. I stood there breathing heavily as I watched both of them glare at each other.

“And why are you supposed to?” Josh asked tilting his head to the right side.

“Because,” Harry started looking at me. “I am here to pick Annabeth out on a “date”” He added air quotes to date. Josh stared at him then his stare shifted to me.

“Is this true?” He shrieked. I was so afraid to do anything. I wasn’t sure why I was afraid, but the thing I knew is that Josh and Harry obviously didn’t like each other. “Anna. Beth?” Josh stated. I nodded as I looked at the ground, ashamed. “We’ll talk about that later, Annabeth.” He said and with that he left, hitting Harry’s shoulder in the process. Josh never called me Annabeth unless he was mad at me, and he is now. Harry smirked to himself then he looked at me.

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