Chapter 32

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Annabeth’s P.O.V

I sighed then lied on my back, staring at our bedroom’s ceiling. I tried to sleep, but I couldn’t. My mind has been flooded with questions and thoughts, of course of Harry. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t feel anything towards him at all, but I can’t stop thinking about how much he has changed.

I got up and walked towards the window, and stared at the bright moon, which was the main source of light in the room right now as Josh was sleeping. I crossed my arms over my chest and began thinking again.

Harry looked different. In the past, he had this curly, brown hair which was always falling over his forehead, but now, his hair is pushed back and those curls I liked about him are slightly gone. His face is much paler and lifeless, so are his eyes. They’re dull.

When he took off his white robe, I noticed some tattoos peeking under his white shirt and on his upper arm. I couldn’t make out the tattoos because I didn’t stare nor tried to. He looks older than a twenty three years old man. There are dark bags under his eyes and his hair was messy. I don’t know what happened to him, but it must have had a huge effect. Either way, I don’t really care.

What really surprised me was his expression when we met. His eyes widened and his mouth was agape in shock. I don’t know, but seeing me after what he has done must have an effect, right? The problem is that I didn’t feel a thing at all. Coincidences like these might happen, and I wasn’t too shocked the way he was.

The past is already done, and we can’t change it. I can not change the fact that I once loved him, and he could not change the fact that he broke me. I moved on and he probably didn’t have a thing to move over. But even though, I won’t mind me being friends with Harry. After all, we work on the same place and we’ll have to talk to each other sooner or later.

Josh of course bombarded me with questions the moment he saw Harry. It was annoying, but I have to admit that if I were him, I would have done the same thing. I reassured him that he’s only part of the past and that he means nothing to me, which is the truth. I don’t have anything to do with Harry because I have my own life right now, and he isn’t a part of it.


“Dr. Chase, do you know where Dr. Margret is?” Silvia asked. Silvia is a nice girl who’s on her late twenty first. She’s a nurse here and I happen to like her a lot.

“Yeah, she just left to make a call; I think she’ll be back here in ten.” I smiled at Silvia who smiled back then thanked me before going to her own work.

It has been four day since I started working here and to be honest, it’s beyond exhausting. Though I still haven’t faced a full responsibility of a patient here. Whenever an ambulance arrives with a patient in critical danger, I am not the one they call to help, which I am thankful for. I don’t know if I can handle it all by myself and I hope I won’t.

I walked towards my desk and sat down to write something about the condition of some patient who was delivered here by the ambulance two days ago to the E.R. department. He had a car accident and all his family members were also injured. They all made it out alive, though except him. It saddened me, seeing his family members’ reaction when we told them that he passed out. It reminded me of the day when-

“Chase, we need you, right now,” I heard Margret call and stood up quickly.

She started jogging and I followed her. We finally reached the hospital’s entrance and I froze when I saw an ambulance approaching us. I suddenly realized why she called me; they want me to handle this anonymous patient. Shit, no, I- I can’t.

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