Hating mondays!

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Hi there!

I'm sorry but before you read the story, I just wanted to talk to you guys.

I love you guys, who have decided to checkout my story.

But I have to warn you...This story is NOT edited...so it's going to have lots of grammatical mistakes.

Secondly, This is kinda like my first story...so many chapters of this book are going to be well not that good.Like they won't have much description etc.

Lastly I wanted to tell you that this story may have late updates sometimes and would be (is) going through some changes...But the main plot of the story is going to be the same...just a little bit more detailed.

Now all I want to say is I hope you guys enjoy this story, and I hope you won't find it cliché.

So with that let's start!!!!

Ps If you have any questions you can just pm me.Also there would be a question and answer session after the book is completed.In it you can ask questions from the author (That's me) or from any other character in the story, and hopefully you'll get a reply from them.


Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own
-H.Jackson Brown,Jr.

Rosetta's pov

A genuine question; Do you like Mondays? I don't, I hate them.If keeping aside the two most hateful things; players and heartbreakers— the 3rd thing on our list are Mondays.Why did someone have to invent Monday? If he was alive right now, I would put him 10 feet underground.

So you're saying, you want to kill a person already dead? My subconscious retorted witty. Sometimes she helps me while other ( a lot) times she's just a pain in the well-you-know-what.

So you may be wondering, why did I start the day with a rant of how much I hate Mondays? Shouldn't  I start my day with something more...positive?

Well hate to break it to you, but somehow the optimistic part of my brain has been, you can say, out of order, for the past year. Now don't ask me why? It's another story, that I'm not keen on sharing or even recalling.

So now back to the main topic — hating Mondays.I'm pretty sure you all know the fact that Monday is the start of the week—well some people say that Sunday is the start, but still Monday is the start of weekdays. Weekdays means work; work means school; school means waking up early, so our conclusion on 'Mondays' comes to a dramatic stop.

That's what happened this fine morning.

The birds where chirping outside my window, Sun was shining — I have to say it was a beautiful day.Yet, somehow I didn't have the urge to go outside.Why would anyone want to leave the premises of their warm and comfy bed, just to go to school? But then again my inner hatred for a day couldn't possibly stop the alarm, on my nightstand, from beeping loudly.

I picked up the clock to see it flashing 8:15 am.Usually school starts at 9:00 am so I have 45 minutes before I have to reach there, which is a lot of time judging by my schedule.You see, while many girls wake up at 6 o'clock —for doing God knows what, I just have to motivate myself to get out of bed.

Sometimes I wish I had magical powers, like a fairy or a witch, so that I could (may be) turn back time.People have the will to turn back time so that they get to have a second chance at something they regret in life.But me? I only have one purpose to turn back time to close my eyes for five more minutes, however, we all are guilty of turning those five minutes into an hour.

I tried, eyes closed, aimlessly clamping my hand on the clock to shut it up, not wanting to get up from my comfortable position.But just like every 'Marvellous' Monday morning, I failed in accomplishing my goal.

Tired of trying, I roll out of bed after throwing my alarm clock against the wall, another regular MM (Monday morning) ritual, and walk towards my bathroom to wash the drool off my face.I'm not one of those People who are particularly in favour of washing their hair right before going to school.I'm more of a midnight shower type of girl.

Another quality I didn't share with many others was— while most girls would look like angels when they're sleeping or they would wake up but me well I'm an entire different case, in short, I look like a freaking zombie.

I slipped on my slippers and started lazily walking towards the bathroom, rubbing my eyes and stretching my back along the long and hard journey. I was about to step a foot in the bathroom tile, when I heard a knock on the door.Before I could response the door mysteriously opened by an unknown force.

Stop being weird...its just Mum.I could feel my Subconcious rolling its eyes.

Well excuse me, for being fun.

"Oh,great, you're already awake! Wouldn't want you to get late for the first day of school,now.Are you excited?!"my mum asked, her excitement clearly noticeable.Why is she even happy? It's not like she's going to school.May be she's happy because I'll finally be out of the house and stop being,well, protective over her.But can you blame me? I don't want to lose her.

"Yes, mum I'm very excited, to go to the same school, I've gone to for the past 4 years, and meet the same people. " My answer dripping with sarcasm as I tried my level best to stop myself from rolling my eyes outloud.But I don't think she noticed as her wide grin, yet to be faltered.

"Mum, what are you doing out of bed? I thought I told you to rest." My tone changed from sarcastic to serious and stern. How many times have I told her not to do much anything physical.It wasn't good for her health.I repeat, I don't want to lose her, especially since she's the last person legally related to me.

"I know, I know, I'm not suppose to run or jog or even walk. " Mum said rolling her eyes and continued "But, come on, Rose, I'm tired of staying in bed all day.I wanna live my life on the wildside." Really, mum? Wildside? I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Mum you already have lived your life on the wild side now it's better for you to get some rest "I retorted not having any word of what she said

"but but-" I cutted her off

"no means no mum now go to your room and lay down."I said bossily putting my hands in my hip.

"Fine!God sometimes Rose I think I'm not the mom here you are. you know if you continue being like this you'll soon grow old and live with 50 cats " she huffed and walked back to her room. God she sometimes behave like a child.

Still not ready I walked to my closet and picked out my skinny Jeans and fawn shirt with a bow on the side and my blue sneakers.I put my hair in a messy bun and voila ready. I looked my self in the mirror I looked pretty decent not that it matters nobody ever notices me.I'm not your typical girls who worry about hair and clothes and make up actually I hate make up like why do you even need make up every body's perfect in there own way.

Only 20 minutes left till school.I quickly hurried out of the room and grabbed an apple from the counter I had no time for breakfast.After saying goodbye to my mum I headed to school.

Hope you liked the first chapter.This story is not edited. plz don't comment badly about it and if you want to give any suggestions plz do.And plz if you find any grammatical errors plz inform me.

Love you!

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