Stalking Miss Carlson!

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A beauty of a woman must seen from her eyes,because that is the doorway to her heart,the place where love resides.
-Audrey Hepburn.

Jay's pov

I arrived at school and saw a big crowd in the hallway.It looked like someone was arguing.I wanted to break up the fight before it gets out of hand.

I crossed the herd of people to see to figures.A girl and a boy.The boy was with glasses and I have to admit was good looking.It looked like they were girlfriend and boyfriend but how the girl was talking to him it was clear that she despised him.

Girl was with blonde her and in a short dress,now if I were the old me I would've loved to see the girl but right now I was disgusted by her and all I can think about was her.

I was so lost in her thought that I didn't even remember why I came here.oh yeah to break up the fight.I was about to step forward when she appeared out of the crowd looking like an angel from heaven-oh my god what has happened to me I was behaving like one of those sick lovestruck men but I hate to admit it I like it.

My girl (wow that sounds nice) was arguing with blonde overthere and her voice it was so sweet even if she was seething-ok I have to stop this madness right now.

Before I knew it the fight was over and I haven't heard a single word they said because I was so engrossed in her's beauty and even if she was angry she was so cute-ok that's it I have to go talk to her otherwise I'll explode how can she effect me so much?I never thought of a girl as cute it was always hot or sexy.

She turned she was walking away from the blonde.When the blonde said something I couldn't quite get that because of the constant talking of the people around me.Just as she said it mystery girl stopped and faced her once again.If looks could kill blondie would already be dead and I have to admit she looked pretty scary.The key word is:pretty,she still looked pretty.
What the hell is wrong with me?Jay focus on what she's saying Jay focus.

The boy with glasses-Marcel or Marven or something ,grabbed her hand and entwined his fingers with hers.An unusual feeling soared through me.I felt anger, hatred and....jealousy.Was I really jealous?

Uggh I don't even know her name for crying out loud how could I be jealous.For all I know he could be her ...boyfriend.God I hope not.

I don't know for how long I stood there like an idiot,but the bell had ringed and everyone were going to there classes.I on the other hand had no idea where the mathematics class was.When I felt I hand tap my shoulder

I turned around to see a guy with blond hair.He was slightly shorter than me.

I waited for him to say something. And he asked
"hey,are you lost or something"he smiled

I sighed"yeah I kinda am.Do you know where the mathematics class is of Mr.Carter?"

"yeah I have the same class come on I'll show you the way"

"So you new here?"he asked not looking at me just walking towards where the stupid class was.

"yeah isn't it obvious"I retorted

"well then hi I'm James,Logan James"he tried to imitate bond,James bond but failed miserably.

I chuckled at his failure but still followed his footsteps by saying"Stone,Jay Stone"

We walked through the corridors when I suddenly realised something and asked him"hey do you know the brunette who was in the hallway earlier?"maybe he knows her.

"yeah she's Ro-"he got cut off by the teacher,Mr. Carter.He cleared his throat to get our attention I hadn't realised we already reached class.Why am I so lost today,since I saw her actually?

"Mr.James you're late"checking his wrist watch Mr.Carter stated as if we already didn't know.

"um yes sir sorry but I was just showing Mr.Stone here to class"with that he went inside to take a seat.

"Well you must be the New student.Welcome to class Mr.stone please take the seat next to Miss Carlson,we're about to start class"

There was only one seat left and it was next to... Her.So Carlson is her last name now all I had to find out was her first and middle name and voila I has her full name.

Then what you idiot?What are you going to do with her name?My conscience retorted.

I took a seat next to her and kept staring at her until the bell rang and Logan snapped me out of my daze.I shaked my head and saw her figure walking out of class.

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