Sounds like a plan!

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Do not judge my story by the chapter you walked in on.

Rose's pov

"Where were you yesterday?!" Dove's voice startled me from behind, causing me to jump five feet in the air.

I shrieked and fell down on the ground,all eyes snapped towards me.I stood up instantly embarrassed and dusted of the dirt from my pants.

Everyone in the hallway still stared at me like I'm some alien."What?I know I'm pretty but if someone checks someone out you can atleast do it in secret you know?",as expected half the people blushed while half just rolled their eyes at me.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to do that?"I looked at Dove.

"Where were you yesterday?"she repeated her question.

"I was having lunch with...Jay"my voice started to come out as a whisper by the end.I looked down trying to hide the pink appearing on my cheek.

"What?!ooh tell me what happened?"she squealed and hugged me tightly."Finally I can say my best friend has a heart".

"Hey!"I pushed her away arms away.


"So what?"

"Come on give me details how did your date go,did you kiss,did you make out,did you-" I cut her off.

"It wasn't a date!"

"Uh huh in all the years 10 years I've been with you,you have never once had 'lunch' with any guy"she raised her eyebrow accusingly.

Before I could say anything Martin,Jay and Logan piped in our conversation.

"Hey Dove,hey she demon"Monkey boy aka Logan greeted us.As much as I want to strangle that guy with my bare hands,I was grateful to him from saving me from further interrogation.

"Hi Logan!"Dove chirped and looked at him,her eyes twinkling with happiness at the fact that her crush aka monkey boy noticed her.She can do so much better than him.Like seriously what does she even see in him?

"Rose!"Jay engulfed my tiny frame in a suffocating bear hug.I tell you he's getting to comfortable and surprisingly I'm actually fine with that.

"Jay I can't...breathe"I choked out.

"oh sorry,I just missed you"he replied sheepishly and let go off me.

"Ahem ahem if your love-fest is over can I please borrow Rose?"Martin cleared his throat,eyeing me.

"My Rose"Jay glared at him and grabbed my hand without any hesitation.What does he mean by his Rose,I'm no one's.

"Jay let go off me,I'm not your property"Jay reluctantly let go of my hand and faked a hurt expression.I rolled my eyes and focused back on Martin ans raised an eyebrow.

"I need to take to you...alone"I nodded to him and began to follow him till we reached his locker.

"So what do you want?"I asked curiously.

"I need your help with Natalia"he scratched his neck and bit his lower lip nervously.

"Okay so how can I help?"I asked enthusiastically-what I may not be well the match maker I was before but I still have some tricks up my sleeve.

"How do I ask her out?"he rubbed his sweaty hand on his jeans.

"How about hey Natalia do you want to go on a date with me?"I answered sarcastically and rolled my eyes.Martin narrowed his eyes at me.

"okay geez calm down a little"I put my hand on his shoulder and he relaxed a little bit under my touch."Okay so here is what you should do..."I whispered the plan in his ear.

"Wow Rose that's a great idea!"he smiled widely.

"What can I say I was born a genius"I grinned and he playfully rolled his eyes.

"Hold on a second how will we pass the letters?"I smirked mischievously.

"Already figured it out."

"Hey guys!"I called out to Dove,Jay and Logan.

After explaining the plan to them the plan we all decided to meet up at my house for further planning.

After school

A loud knock came from the front door."Coming!"I shouted at the moron banging on my door.

I opened the door and Logan and Jay strided in."Make yourselves comfortable,treat it like it's your own home oh wait you already do"I murmured sarcastically under my breath.

I started to walk away from the door when another knock followed and in came Dove and Martin.

They joined the boys on the sofa and now there was an awkward silence in the air as no one knew what to do now.I broke the silence first.

"Okay now since we're all here,you can see our fellow friend,Martin Richard,here is having some girl problems and to solve it he needs your help."I pulled Martin so he was standing and my hands were on his shoulders as I introduced him,he groaned and palmed his face.

"Now who so ever has any objection please speak now or forever hold your peace."and just on cue Logan raised his hand and opened his mouth to speak.

"Great no objections!Now let's start with discussing the plan." "Okay Martin how long have you had a crush on Natalia?"

Martin shrugged"I always liked her but I kind of realised her I liked her more than a friend 6 months ago."

"Okay Martin so you think of the 6 things you like about her and write it on a piece of paper and put it inside an envelope"I handed him paper,pen and envelopes."-and six places that mean something to her or to both of you."

"Got it!"he exclaimed

"Great now all we have to do is wait for tomorrow."I sighed tommorow is going to be long day.


End of chapter 28 hope you liked it.plz vote and comment


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