When dream turns into a night mare!

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They fell for her beauty but then ran from her brain.

Jay's pov

"Rose are you listening to me?"I asked.

My eyes flickered to her body.Her breathing low and steady indicating that she had fallen asleep.She looked so beautiful while she drooled in her sleep-what can you blame me that I'm in love with her?

I don't know what happened to her but the way she panicked when I kidded,just thinking that someone did or even tried to hurt my Rose makes my blood boil with anger.

She stirred up in her sleep as her hair tickled her face.I pushed back her loose strands behind her ears.A small smile appeared on her pink lips as my skin came into contact with her's.

I turned the car around and now instead of driving to the beach I was taking her home,I don't know why but she looks exhausted like she didn't get enough sleep.

I stopped infront of her house and opened her door,lifting her up bridal style I walked towards the front door and rang the doorbell and Debbie opened it.

"Jay ho-what happened to rose?!"Debbie asked concerned.

"Oh hi Debbie,may I came in?"she nodded and I walked up the stairs to Rose's room and lowered Rose down on the bed.

I removed my arms from under her and just as I was about to leave Rose clasped my hand and hugged it.I looked down to her she was still sleeping with a small smile looks like she was having a good dream.

I tried pulling my arm away from her grasp but that only caused her to snuggle more,now I was knelt on to her level.I caressed her cheeks which caused her to giggle,how can someone be so adorable?

I couldn't take it no more so I landed a small kiss on her lips.It was like fireworks exploded in my stomach,and the flash back of my first kiss came to my mind.She still tasted like blueberries and pineapple.I pulled away reluctantly,if just me kissing her could give me such euphoria I wonder what would happen if she actually kisses me back.

I know what you must be thinking that I'm a creep for kissing a girl in her sleep But to me it felt like my whole world is complete just like how the say in cliche romance stories.

I hesitantly pulled my arm away and this time when she reached to grab my arm I put a pillow instead.I got up and took a photo of her sleeping self.

"Good night,Rose."and kissed her forehead.

I left the room, closing the door quietly behind me and I walked down stairs to see Debbie leaning against the wall with her hands crossed over her chest,tapping her feet.

"You want to explain why my daughter looks like she's just been drugged?"she raised her eyebrow.

"Uh what no she isn't drugged she just fell asleep in my car so I brought her home."I stuttered.

"What was she doing in you car?"she fired another question at me.

"We went to have lunch-"she cut me off.

"Shouldn't you both be in school"shit now what do I say.

"umm we actually had the last two periods free so...we thought we could go for lunch"I finished,I mentally patted myself for coming up with that excuse.

"Oh okay you want to join me for lunch Jay?"she asked cheerfully,she has some serious mood changes.

"No sorry I have to get home."I lied,there is no way I'm staying so that she can ask me more question surely I know that I'll blurt out that I made Rose ditch school,I don't want her mother to think I'm a bad influence on her.

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