Mom was cutting Carl's hair and Shane was cleaning his gun while I was sitting next to Carl, 'what if they don't make it back' I thought
"Ella they'll make it back I promise" mom said and I nodded
"Baby the longer you fidget the longer it takes" mom said to Carl
"I'm trying" he replied
"Well try harder" she says, I giggle,
"You think that's bad wait till you stay shavin', now that stinks, when that day comes you'll be wishin' for one of your Momma's hair cuts" Shane says
"I'll believe that when I see it" Carl said I chuckle,
"Tell you what, get threw this with some manly dignity, tomorrow I'll teach you and Ella something special, I'll teach you how to catch some frogs,"
"YAY!!" I yell
"I've caught a frog before"
"I said frogs it's plural it isn't art my friend it is not the be taken lightly, there are ways and meanings and a few people know about and I'm willing to share my secrets." Carl looks and mom
"Ohh I'm a girl you talk to him," she says
"It's a one time offer kids, it's not to be repeated"
"Why do we need frogs plural?" Carl asked
"Ever eat a frog leg"
"Ewwwww" we say
"No yum" Shane says
"No there right 'ewww'" mom said, Shane chuckles
"When were down to that last can of beans you're gonna be loven' those frog legs lady ya see 'uh Shane d-do you think I can have a second helping please j-just one'" Shane said mimicking mom
"Yea I doubt that" mom says. We were cut off by a car alarm going off, the 4 of us jump up and run to side of the RV,
"talk to me Dale" Shane said
"I can't tell yet, I'll be damned stolen car is my guess" mom pulls me and Carl to her side. The car pulls up
"Holy crap turn that damn thing off" the person pops the hood of the car and Glenn get out. I escape moms side and hug him tightly
"Ella I'm fine"
"My sister, Andrea is she alive"
"Yes" and he puts me down
"Everyone is, well Merle not so much" he looks at me
"I'm sorry" I hug him again and go back to mom and Carl. A van pulls up and everyone gets out of the car, Amy runs to Andrea and hug, Glenn looks back at me and smirks and I gave him a confused look and he turns back around. While everybody was reuniting mom pulled me and Carl aside and talks and talks. When she was done,
Shane asks "how did y'all get out of there anyways" Glenn spoke
"New guy got us out"
"Ya crazy guy just got into town, Hey Helicopter boy come say hello!!" T-dog yells. The guy gets out and shuts the door, I look over and I couldn't believe my eyes, I thought Shane said he died, Carl looks over me and him scream "DAD!!" We run over to him and he picks us up while we cry happy tears and he walks over to mom, I give Shane the most evil eat look ever and he looks away. I gave my dad a few more hugs and I went back to my tent and fell asleep on my uncomfortable sleeping bagAuthors Note
I'm Going to try and update tomorrow
Ella signing off💕

The Last Ones Standing (The Walking Dead Fanfiction)
Hayran KurguElla Grimes and her family walk into a zombie apocalypse and try to survive. Ella lost her dad before the apocalypse started. Losing people only make you stronger but it happens to often. All rights go to AMC I got the lines and scenes all from AMC