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Author nak jawab tag dri AmlyaQis_ dulu. Pastu, baru author update.

Kalau rajin  😂🔫

Okay, ni jawapannya.

1. The meaning of my username?

Butterfly_Scotch. Itu username author. Sbenrnya, sye nk buat Butterscotch, tpi rase cam Butterfly cute jgak.

So, author combine dpt, Butterfly_Scotch. The end~

2. List your classmates name...

Malas ah 🌝

3. 5 favorite songs

1. No More Dreams-BTS
2. Blood Sweat Tears-BTS
3. Playing with Fire-BP
4. Cypher pt.1,2,3&4-BTS
5. Interlude-BTS

4. Tag 15 person

Are u sure?

Rmainya... Disebbkan yg ni ff author, so sye nk tag sikit je. Jngan marah...😂😂

xsyxhdx_ BI_Kim r_fqa79 Kyunfan_ parkjeman ShariffahNoorAshikin aisya_02 babyjacky776 nuraleeya175

5. Height

Hurmmm... bile last author ukur eaa..? Rasenye, yg last author ingat yg 2 thn lpas.


Tpi, author rase kan... skang ni dh btambah 1m kot

6. Ambition?

I'm prefer baker than jobless.

7. Hobby

Pegang fon, tengok tv, bukak peti 4673289965 kali sehari dan cari gaduh ngan adik.

8. Close people in wattpad

xsyxhdx_  { bestie / kwn yg slalu cucuk pipiku ini }

AmlyaQis_  { bestie / kwn yg ajar author cara nk 'survive' 😂 }

r_fqa79  { classmate yg slalu author berkepit }

9. Have I read your fanfic?

Ehh..mesti... Ni lah antara fanfic yg author baca mase awl2 ade akaun wattpad 😂😂

10. Selfie pic?

Jujur eaa...author tak suke share selfie 😂🔫🔫🔫

Yg ni je author bleh kongsi

Inilah tangn yg menaip untuk update fanfic author

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Inilah tangn yg menaip untuk update fanfic author. Tangn ni yg banyk berjasa pada author 😘😘

11. 10 facts about you

1. Malas nk update ff.

2. Tak suke bile ade yg layn author cam bdak 4 thn. Even that is my mental age.

3. Tulisan buruk cam tlisan doktor.

4. Slalu space out

5. Duduk dlm kgelapn klau mls nk buke lampu / kpanasn klau mls nk bke kipas.

Takpun, sruh je fam member yg lalu lalang kat situ tlong bukakan.

6. Suka baca buku atau layan movie genre mystery+horror.

7. Tak ske bile kne paksa kluar dri rumah.

8. Slalu buke hotspot mak😂

9. Suke beli brang ngan ayh. Sbb dia suruh pilih sdiri, then hulur duit.

Yeahh!! My ATM machine!

10. Suke judge prbualn org scra snyap2.

12. Have u dreamt about your k-idol?


Yg author paling ingt, Jungkook sruh author ajrkan dia math.

Like, whut...? 😂😂😂 serious, tak tipu...

Then, author pun ajrkan dia.

13. 3 things I want to undo.

1. Author tak akan naik lagi motor ngan abg author. TAK AKAN!!

2. Author tak akan beli lagi dah aiskrim perisa pistachio.

3. Author tak akan usha lama2 n tegur random people yg author ingtkn knalan

14. Words from your hearts that you want to tell your bestie...

Kpd bestie sya, sya nk awk tahu yg sya bkannye boleh healing awk 100%. Jdi, I just wanna say sorry...

K, BYE!! Love u all my friends!! 😘😘

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