Author's Thank You

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Hello!  I didn't exactly plan to ever get as many views as I did and once again I apologize for not updating for such a long period of time.  I would explain the situation that sort of made it more difficult to create more chapters but I feel that it isn't the wisest of ideas to tell the whole internet of my medical conditions (mental/physical), anyways I feel that this sentence probably already explains my situation well enough to paint a picture in your head.  

Enough about me, though. I want to turn this over to you guys and say THANK YOU!  I never expected to even have these many people just glance at this.  I know most of those people who scanned over it went on their merry way and forgot this even exists, yet, I'm still grateful they even took the time to do that.  Those of you who have been actively reading this, waiting for each chapter with excitement and wonder about what is going to happen next, you guys are AMAZING.  At the time I'm writing this I'm at about 1.9K views which is just mind blowing. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

I hope that you guys are enjoying the slight comedy I have started to throw in.  I didn't want the whole story to be all sadness and chaos.  I want it to be an adventure that you follow with the main character(s).  I want it to be a rollercoaster of emotions but not too violently emotional that it gets too overwhelming (which I feel have done in the past in my earlier days of creating this story).


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