Wastelands We Call Home

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Midnight's Prospective

I opened my eyes and slowly sat up from my chair to feel a cramp in my neck from sleeping in a chair. I popped my neck and let out a sigh of relief and looked around the room. Everybody was still asleep, or so I thought until I heard Chester yawn and see his tattooed arms stretch out from under the blankets. Slowly, he sat up and rubbed his eyes and put on his glasses. My first thought was, put on a shirt Chester for crying out loud! Slowly he slid off the hospital bed and stood up. Oh great, he is in his boxers also. Come on dude you're not at home! I face-palmed myself making a slapping sound making Chester jump and look at me in surprise.

"Didn't know you were awake Midnight. Jesus, you scared the shit put of me," Chester whispered as he slid into his jeans.

"Maybe next time you go to sleep at least leave on your jeans. Not everyone needs to see you in your boxers," I rolled my eyes and stood up. "And yes, I am Jesus."

"Too bad," Chester smirked. "Haven't you see the music video for Shadow of the Day?"

"Yep, you're in your boxers there, too," I mumbled as the others began to wake up.

I nudged my little brother Shawn who mumbled, "I wanna ride the unicorn mommy..."

"Oh, so you dream about unicorns?" I smirked devilishly.

"Oh god," Shawn sat up. "You say nothing about this."

"Don't need to," I said laughing lightly. Everyone in the room had heard Shawn and began to laugh. Except for my sister Stephanie, who still laid in her bed. "Get up, Steph. We need to start heading to base if you're coming with me."

"Let us wake her," Shawn smirked and marched over to Stephanie with Chris following behind him. "Get up sis, or we'll sit on you." No response.

"Stephanie you know we'll do it, we've done it before," Chris added. Still nothing.

"Guys, I think you should step back," Chester said slowly, obviously sensing the same bad feeling that I had as well. Something wasn't right. Is Stephanie alright? I looked at my sister's back that was facing towards us. I could feel myself suddenly go tense as I froze up without any warning as if something terrible is going to happen in a second.


3rd Person Perspective

The two boys quickly turned around and looked at Midnight, perplexed by her sudden impulse to yell at them to get away.

Stephanie, without any warning, sat up suddenly because of the sudden yelling and looked directly at her. Midnight pulled out her pistol and aimed it directly at her sister's head. Two pure black eyes stared at her, evilly. They just dug deep within her soul, feeling as if the air was just taken out of her chest as fear overwhelmed Midnight. She had to shoot her sister to save her two little brothers. I can't... She's my sister. I can't just simply shoot her to save some people. Is she even my sister? Her thoughts sped by her like zooming cars on a track. Time froze. Her hand shook. She could see who two younger siblings turn to Stephanie in fear. I can't do it! God help me, please! Somebody! She looked at Chester with pleading eyes suddenly who was frozen in shock as well, his gun was out of reach just to make matters worse. She looked at Stephanie in time to see as she lunged at Chris and Shawn.

"NO!" Midnight screamed.

Just as she yelled she bit into Shawn's shoulder sending blood pouring onto the floor and onto Chris who started beating Stephanie with his fist trying to get her off him. She whipped around in response then bit him directly in the neck making him release a deafening screech that was half cut off.

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