Lost in the Haze

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3rd Person Perspective

She closed one eye and brought up her hunting bow slowly aiming down the dead man staggering around the parking lot. She steadied her hand squinting her one open eye. She let go. She watched as the body froze in a spot then slumped onto the rusting car next to it and fall.

"Dumb mother fucker," Midnight mumbled as she lowered the bow. She moved her hair from her face. She could feel little droplets of water hit her skin. She felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked over it to see Mike looking at her with a concerned look on his face. "Yes, what do you want?" Midnight asked coldly.

"You need to rest," Mike said quietly. "You haven't slept for 2 days. You need to sleep or you'll end up doing something dumb that will get you killed."

"Didn't you just see the shot I made? I'm perfectly fine, I can still aim like a pro despite the little sleep I've had. Stop bugging me and let me do my thing," Midnight growled. "Three damn months since the people closest to me died. Can't go a day without thinking 'bout them."

"Midnight," Mike repeated. "You need to sleep."

"Not to mention Chester LEFT two months ago and hasn't returned and we need somebody watching out for him!" she snapped. "He left to find scientists or somebody who could fuckin' find a cure with me and look where it got him? He's probably dead right now. Admit it we all knew it was coming soon after Isaiah died. He started acting bazaar and kept trying to find ways to get out of here. So as soon as we brought up the idea to have somebody look for anyone who could make a cure out of me he threw himself out more than just willingly but as if he hypnotized to do so."

Mike stared at Midnight who just stared back with a cold look in her eyes. She isn't herself anymore since Isaiah died. It's amazing she can even utter his name after what happened. Does she realize she is starting to sound like Chester right before he left? Mike thought to himself. Midnight slowly calming and hung her head down realizing how she probably upset Mike for saying such rude things about his best friend.

"Maybe I do need sleep," Midnight finally said quietly. "I sound like a damn maniac.... I sound like Chester."

"Midnight, I'll keep watch. Get some rest." Mike said and took the bow from her hands and her arrows from her back. "Tomorrow we need to get some gasoline for the generators. Would be nice to have you along with to watch for incoming dead."

Midnight looked up at him and gave him a weak smile and then slid down the ladder back into the building. She threw herself onto the bed after throwing off her shoes and wrapped herself in the blankets and passed out almost instantly.

Midnight Prospective

"Hello?" I said quietly as I stood in a thick white mist. What is this place? Why am I here? My questions were almost instantaneously answered when the mist began to clear. I'm in an abandoned street in Seattle. I knew it was Seattle because I could see the Space Needle poking out behind a building. I looked down and only 100 feet away from me was Isaiah. I stared for a second, unsure if my eyes were playing tricks on me. Isaiah stared back. I began to sprint full speed at Isaiah and leaped into his arms in a tight embrace.

"I miss you so much..." I said which was muffled by his chest.

"I miss you, too," he said ever so softly. I pulled my face out from his chest and stared at him tears running down from the corners of my eyes, down my cheeks, and off of my chin.

"Why? Why did you shoot yourself? I love you!" I said shaking my head furiously and gripping his shirt in my fists tightly.

"I didn't want to end up hurting you," he said calmly. He put his hand under my chin and lifted it lightly. "It was a very hard decision. I didn't want to die, but I knew it was the best for both of us in the end."

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