The Falling

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Midnight climbed into the family car which was a black van. Her mother stood in the doorway going over last minute things with Stephanie on when to feed Chris and Shawn and other things of that sort. Midnight buckled her seatbelt as her mom stepped into the passenger seat. She had one and only thing and only one thing to do. Sketch while listening to Linkin Park music on her cellphone.

Midnight popped in her earbuds and started blasting the song Given Up. Tapping her feet to the beat she started drawing Mike Shinoda, his eyes pure black as if he was a demon with a stream of black smoke coming from the edge of his eyes. He had evil smile with razor sharp teeth. Carefully, she added the details of the hair, eyebrows, and any other facial hair.

After an hour of driving, she looked up and asked, "we almost there?"

"I can see some of the buildings over the trees now, so yeah. We're pretty much in Seattle now," her father said from the driver's seat.

"Cool," Midnight said with a relaxed smile coming across her face. Only minutes now till I meet the band. This is going to be the best day of my life! I don't care about the argument with my dad, it is normal. This on the other hand, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity! Nothing can stop me now from meeting them!

Midnight looked back at her sketch book and started added final touches to the eyes and mouth. She wanted to show Mike the new sketch so she wanted it to look as good as possible.

Suddenly Midnight heard a loud crashing sound and she quickly looked up seeing the car in front of them crashed into the one in front of it and they were only feet from crashing into it. Midnight felt her heart stop and herself freeze in fear. Her father yanked the steering wheel as far right as he could at that moment sending the car flipping. Midnight screamed as she felt the world swirling around her. Gravity right then became their worst enemy.

Sadly, they were on an overpass that went over a small stream. They went off the edge, falling onto the ground below. Just as they slammed into the ground the last words from her music was "waiting for a light that never comes" before slamming her head into the side of the car. The car slowly rolled onto the roof and sat there, blood covering the ceiling of the car.

Slowly, Midnight opened her eyes. She felt gravity pulling all the blood to her head as her vision came into focus. The windshield was shattered with blood on the glass. Struggling she realized that her seatbelt was holding her in place.

"Fuck..." Midnight groaned as she felt a horrible stabbing pain in her right leg. Midnight slowly brought her eyes to her leg. Blood trickled down her leg and dripped from the tip of her once white shoe. A piece of shrapnel stuck out from her skinny leg. "Oh... for fuck's sake..."

Midnight grabbed hold of her seatbelt and clicked the latch sending her falling onto to blood covered ground. Where had all the blood came from? It couldn't of all came from her. If she lost this much blood she would've been dead.

Slowly Midnight dragged herself in the blood to the door and pushed the handle. It didn't budge. Midnight made a fist and started bashing the car's cracked window with her fist, nothing. Midnight looked at the other door, she slid herself backwards to it and kicked the window with her one good leg a couple times making it shatter into little pieces. She kicked the left over piece on the edges and pushed herself out carefully but still managed to get a piece of glass wedged in her back.

Midnight yelped in pain as it dug into the middle of her back. She forced herself unwilling the rest of the way out and laid down in a tiny stream that they had landed in. Looking in the running water she could see her blood moving with the water. Slowly, and painfully, Midnight sat up in the freezing water. She reached to her back and felt for the glass and took careful grip and counted in her head, 1... 2... 3! She yanked out the glass. Wincing in pain she forced herself up, propped up against the flipped vehicle.

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