Chapter ~ Four

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The Next Day

‹‹Justin  Bieber››

I sat back in my office chair looking out the huge window that outlook the coast just thinking. I'm 27 years old, no kids, no wife tying me down. I have my own company I run my own life. I guess I'm living the life. Right?

I mean I don't have to worry about being home at a certain time or spending too much time at work and not a t home

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I mean I don't have to worry about being home at a certain time or spending too much time at work and not a t home. I don't have to provide for anyone but myself and my dogs. I can spend money on cars and expensive things rather than kiddy vacations and romantic dates. 

I don't have to worry about someone being exceptionally dirty or misplacing my things. I don't worry about infidelities or breaking someone's heart. 


Some days I wonder what it would be like to worry about that stuff. To send everyone home early on a Saturday night because I have a standing reservation at one of the more lavish restaurants in Orlando or anywhere in Florida and I walk in to see my beautiful girlfriend/wife/fiance waiting for me in a beautiful dress wearing a bright smile.

Just the thought makes me smile. 

To one day get the news she's pregnant and I'm gonna have someone who will carry on my name and someone who will love me unconditionally. I think if I didn't get the girlfriend part and just the baby I'd be okay. A little part of me roaming the earth so innocent and pure. Someone I could protect and keep safe from harm and the evils of the world. 

But that just can't happen right now...not while I'm still who I am.

At least that's what I thought until I met Lyannah and Savannah yesterday.

"Mr. Bieber" A voice brought me out my thoughts and I spun in my chair to face one of the assistants


"There is a Mr. Reddick here to see you but he doesn't have an appointment?" He said

Oh hell...what does this asshole want!?

I sighed and scooted over to my desk 

"Send him in" I said monotone

"Yes sir" He said and left

I started answer some emails on shipments and upcoming meetings when the door was flung open

"Break my brand new office door and my foot will be so far up your ass you'll need surgery to be able to sit again" I spat at the man who barged in

"Awh come on Justin we're friends if not brothers" He smirked

"I don't give a shit what we are! Those doors cost five thousand dollars" I scoffed

"Five thousand dollars! Damn I wish I had that kind of money!" He exclaimed

I let out a sigh of frustration and finally faced the man in front of my desk. The same man that comes to me every two months or so for one thing.

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