Chapter Twenty~Nine

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November 25th, 2017

‹‹ Justin Bieber ››

I've spent the past two days thinking about Selenia's words. She was right about the fact that I need to tell Lyannah who I am. I mean, she stayed after finding out about my gang but this is something completely different and this could go one of two ways;

Ly could accept it and become intrigued to see what I can do, or she could freak out and take her daughter and leave.

I got the call today that the house is almost ready, they're just waiting for us to bring our stuff. So, that's what I've been doing all day, packing and moving.

Ly wanted to help but I'm taking everything the doctor has said seriously.

Selenia is still in town, looking for her daughter in law but has had no such luck. I thought being a witch meant she could find her in a jiffy but she said that it's harder without the blood of a relative.

I don't think Sav or Ly would willingly give up blood.

Anyway, we were still able to have a nice thanksgiving after Ly got home but she felt so sick that we cut the night short.

My poor baby

"Where would you like this Mr. Bieber?" Someone asks

I look at what he's holding and point up stairs

"Savannah's room"

He nods then carries it off. There's a lot of new things I've bought just to add a little something special to the rooms and make them a bit more personal hopefully Ly likes it.

"I must say I'm impressed" Someone says

I turn around and Selenia is standing in the foyer

I turn around and Selenia is standing in the foyer

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"Your granddaughter has good taste" I chuckle

"That she gets from me" She boasts

I chuckle welcoming her in and sigh

"I haven't told her yet"

"I figured but that isn't why I'm here"


"I know all about you Justin Bieber"

I look at her confused

I look at her confused

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