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~ Lyannah Myers ~

I stood there waiting for my father to make his next move

"Hello beautiful" He said to Savannah

"Hello beautiful" He said to Savannah

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"Hi" She whispered

"Ly I'm so sorry sweetie" He said desperately "I was so worried that you wouldn't have future. That you wouldn't follow your dreams because you got pregnant that I didn't take time to listen to you. Because of that you lost everything and I'm sorry"

I smiled and hugged him

"It's okay daddy I forgive you" I whispered

"Oh this is bullshit!" Diana spat

I heard Katherine gasped "Dianna there is a child in the room"

"That thing is not a child it's a problem!" She shouted

"How can you say that!?" Justin spat

"Justin..." Katherine called him

"That is your granddaughter! Whether you like it or not she still has your blood running through her veins and she will till the day she dies." He seethed

"Ly made a mistake so what!? You as her mother should have been there for her telling her everything would be okay not pushing her away because a teen pregnancy damaged your social status!" He raged

Justin literally just exploded on my mom. Whoa

Dianna scoffed "You dare to come into my house and speak to me that way? Katherine is this how you raise your son?"

Katherine said nothing just glared at my mother

Dianna bitterly laughed "I guess this is what happens when there's no man in the house to teach him right from wrong"

"Dianna!" My father gasped

"No she's right" Katherine spoke up "My husband did leave me when Justin was three years old and he hasn't had a real male role model in his life. But my son is more man than anyone I know including his father."

"Let's all just calm down please"

"Mommy I wan go home" Vannah sniffed

"Oh baby don't cry" I cooed picking her up

"I told you not to bring that child to my house"

"Dianna, KNOCK IT OFF!" My father shouted then started coughing harshly

"Dianna, KNOCK IT OFF!" My father shouted then started coughing harshly

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