Chapter Twenty~Four

740 18 4

November 3rd, 2017

That Night

~ Lyannah Myers ~

I honestly don't know how to feel about what's happening. First Kayden rapes me then Carter breaks into our home.

We can't stay here. Now Carter knows where we are I'm not letting him get to Savannah, Nathan or this baby.

This baby. I can't believe I'm pregnant again.

It does ease my mind that this baby is Justin's but that puts him or her in so much more danger.

We're all in danger

"Penny for your thoughts?" His voice rasps behind me

"All you can afford is a penny? "I joke

"We both know I can afford more than a penny" He chuckles

I chuckle softly

"Seriously Ly, what's going on?"

"Are we safe?" I blurt out


"How was he able to get in Justin?" I ask

"I don't know but I'm looking into it" He says

"I don't wanna live here" I tell him


"No Justin! If Carter could get in here so can your enemies" I shout then cup his face

"I don't want the kids or this baby in danger" I whisper

He sighs then nods "Alright baby, I'll look into it"

"No, you focus on Nathan, Katherine and I will find a place" I tell him

"But I should—"

"Justin please, let me handle this" I beg

His hand meets my stomach and he smiles

"This is all I've ever wanted"

"Me too but I'm scared"

"About?" He asks

"What if something goes wrong?" I ask

He stays silent for a minute then smiles "It won't"

How can he be so sure?

‹‹ Justin Bieber ››

I have to what my mother says, I have to make Travis safe and indestructible. Like me.

For this I've had to wait until everyone is asleep. Mom left to go deal with Kip and in the end I hope Ly forgives me. Today for the first time I saw who she truly is break though. Unknowingly she used her persuasion on me and I loved watching it.

As Justin she can do whatever she wants to me but when I make that switch into Jason, it's useless. And that's something I'll never take from her.

A knock on the door lets me know it's go time

"Come in" I call

The door opens revealing Travis and Brent as they enter.

"Hey Just" Trav smiles

"Hey Just" Trav smiles

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