
784 15 8

September 28th, 2017

‹‹ Justin Bieber ››

I feel like my entire world has just fallen apart. It took three days but we've finally got the results of the paternity test and I couldn't be more pissed off. So far I'm the only one that's seen them but about a thousand scenarios have played in my head.

I stare at the paper that Tyler had hand delivered to me in the early hours of the morning, my eyes never leaving the bold print at the bottom

The test confirms that 98.99% in favor of Justin Drew Bieber proving that he is the father of Nathan Ames Carter.

I don't know how I'm going to tell Lyannah but I pray she doesn't leave me. I'm pretty sure Sam doesn't know yet or she would've been here by now.

These results make me hatred for her grow.

Of all the ways she's hurt me this is the worst. Nathan is three which means I missed everything. All those firsts that happen within the first three years of a baby's life, someone else got the joy of experiencing with my son. He's called someone else daddy for his entire life.

But now, now that Sam is probably running out of money she decides to show face and tell me he coud mine?

That shit ain't right and she's gonna pay.

Aside from my anger, my heart is breaking. I don't wanna lose Lyannah and Savannah but I can't really expect her to stay with me now that I have a son. I know Sam and I know this is going to get messy but this is my son so I'm going to claim my rights.

I sigh folding the paper and walking into Lyannah's room.

"Hey" She says shocking me

I'd thought she'd be asleep

"Hey" I say softly

She looks at me confused

She looks at me confused

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"What's wrong?"

I gulp pulling the paper out of my pocket and handing it to her. She cautiously takes it, staring at me as she unfolds it.

I honestly can't talk. I can't say the words because I feel like I'll vomit as soon as I do.

I watch her eyes widen and I know she read the conclusion

I watch her eyes widen and I know she read the conclusion

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