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June 2017...

~Lyannah Myers~

"Lyannah could I see you in my office please?" My boss Tim called

"Uh sure" I said feeling a little nervous

I took off my apron and set down the rag I was using to wipe the tables and walked to the back into Tim's office.

"Please take a seat"

I could my heart racing as I sat down.

"Is everything alright?"

"Ly I don't know how to say this. Nor do I wanna do this so I'm just going to come out and say this"

Oh god

"We've had to cut back. The boss has been having some financial problems so he can't afford to keep as many people on and since you don't really have much experience we have fire you"

"But-but you said I'm one of the best"

"And you are but he doesn't care about that. He cares about who's more qualified. Who's been doing this longer"

I sighed sitting back in the chair

"Tim I really need this job" I pleaded

"I know Ly and I tried to fight for you I promise but he didn't wanna hear it. I'm so sorry. You can finish your shift tonight and you will get paid for the time you've already put in but it'll be the last"

I sighed heavily trying not to cry "Thanks Tim"

"I'm really sorry Ly"

"Nothing you can you do. Not like it was your choice right?"

He nodded. I stood up and left his office going into the bathroom. As soon as the door shut I locked it then slid down it bawling my eyes out.

 As soon as the door shut I locked it then slid down it bawling my eyes out

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It really needed this job. I'm struggling so hard. It's not easy being a team mom living paycheck to paycheck sometimes going without eating giving all I have to my kid.

It was never like this. I never lived like this.

I want a better life. Not for me but for my baby girl and I feel that no matter when I got pregnant...whether at fifteen on homecoming night or eighteen on graduation never would've fit into my parents' plans. They wanted me to graduate, go to college, find their dream son in law even if he wasn't someone I truly loved and then get married and have kids.

So as you can see being fifteen and pregnant made me a disgrace and they told me to get out. Being the smart person I was I had been saving babysitting money over the last five years and money I got for birthdays, Christmas and getting As & Bs in school so in all had about $15,000. I was enough to get my to Tampa, get myself and my baby girl somewhere to live, provide us with food and shelter and I got myself and her health insurance so I could have proper prenatal care.

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