Chapter Twenty~Three

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November 3rd, 2017

Two Weeks Later

~ Lyannah Myers ~

"I can not believe this is happening!" Kayla exclaims

"Kayla will you shut up for a minute! We don't know what's happening" I huff

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"Kayla will you shut up for a minute! We don't know what's happening" I huff

"Are you kidding me Ly!? You've been through this before, you know the signs"

"I don't know anything yet!" I shout

"Well you will in three minutes!" She sings

I sigh sitting down

If you can't tell already we're currently freaking out cause I might be pregnant! Aside from the fact that my period has yet to come, I've been having some serious cramping for the past two weeks.

At first I thought it was my body preparing for my monthly visitor but instead all I got is some spotting. Then that was followed behind with breast tenderness and irritability.

I remember what I was like with Savannah and this comes pretty close.

But I can't! I can't be pregnant! We just got this thing going and I don't want to take attention or time away from Savannah and Nathan.

Thankfully right now Justin has taken Nathan to get a haircut and Savannah is out with Katherine having bonding time.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by my phone alarm ringing and I feel a lump form in my throat

"Guess this is it" Kayla whispers

"You look I can't" I whine

"Would it really be that bad Ly?"

"Kayla, I am just starting to figure out my life. My father has cancer and I don't know if this baby is Justin's or kayden's. I don't want this!" I cry

"Ly breathe!" Kayla exclaims

"Just tell me"

"Tell you what?"

I gasp turning around


‹‹ Justin Bieber ››

"You like your new haircut buddy?" I ask Nathan as we leave the shop

"Yeah!" He cheers

"Yeah!" He cheers

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