Again @coolthatsit made this. I don't really get it. :/ and I don't get the other One.
The way you look at me, Wait there's something in your eyes,
Don't worry, there's nothing more, Expect jealousy and disguise.
By saying these words to me, And by insulting me, with your words
and your stupid talking, You don't even know, That even nursery
rhymes are more rocking. Your cute little words, Are just a heap
trash, To tell you sweetie the truth is, Your mouth just wrote a
check your ass can't cash. When you go, from you texts I receive,
You say I compare you with termites, But hell no termites leave! You
come to stay and say, You thought I was just bored and gone,
But you don't really know, I would've enjoyed being home alone.
I hope you didn't get it wrong, As this poem was just your honour, If
you want some more, Feel free to ask, cuz the one on whom these poems
are made of, That characters only you're the owner.
1000 Funny Jokes {part 3}
Random!!COMPLETED!! BOOK 4 IS UP!! twitter: catietempleman instagram: catetempleman kik: _catiieee_x © COPYRIGHT @niallerzprincezzz ALL RIGHTS RESERVED