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After my run today and our little so called basketball game I was beat. As soon as I got back to our hotel room, I took a shower and crashed. I didn't even eat anything because I was just too tired.

8:45 PM

I woke up to the sound of Phil's phone ringing and his weight on the bed becoming lighter as he got off the bed to take the call.

Watching him walk out to the balcony, I decided to check the time on the clock that sat on the nightstand beside me.

Dream "8:45? Dang, how long was I out for?" Sitting up I swung the covers off of me then headed straight for the bathroom.

After doing my business I headed straight to the kitchen to hunt for food. Not finding anything in the fridge I grew a bit frustrated at my growling stomach. Closing the fridge door I saw Phil pulling a shirt over his head and grabbing his keys.

Dream "Where are you going babe? Another team party? No invite?"

Phil "Yea. You know how they do." He said opening his arms to welcome my hug.

Dream "So how come you didn't invite me this time?" I pouted knowing very well that he may have some reservations about it.

Phil "You know I forgot as usual and coach just called me to remind me so I didn't want to disturb your rest. I could tell they kicked your ass today." He said looking down at me as I looked up at him.

Dream "Well I'm starved, can you at least bring me back something."

Phil "Not sure when I'll be back so you need to order. And don't wait up."

Dream "Hmm. Ok. Love you."

He kissed me on the forehead then left.

I walked back over to the bed slumping my self down in a sitting position. I grabbed my phone and went straight to the UberEats app. Ordering myself some Chinese, I kicked back on the bed and turned on the TV.

My food took about 30 minutes to arrive. I ordered beef and broccoli with white rice. One of my favs. I even ordered an extra plate for Phil since we almost always eat together. I kind of miss him already.

I tried waiting up for Phil, but after 3 hours past I began to feel sleepy again. I texted him to see if he was ok and he said everything was cool so I decided to go to sleep.

4:15 AM

I awoken to the sounds of Phil entering our room. Taking off everything but his boxers he sat at the edge of the bed typing something on his phone.

Dream "Babe?" I said raising up a bit.

Phil "You still up? Hope I didn't wake you."

Dream "You kind of did but that's ok cause I missed you." I said scooting my body closer to him so that I could feel his touch.

I sat up behind him and gently kissed his back. As I places both of my hands on his shoulders his phone chimed, causing both of us to look at his phone. Instead of him reading the message he just placed it on the nightstand and turned to me.

Phil "Hey, you should go back to sleep and get some rest."

Dream "Go take your shower." I whispered in his ears while feeling a bit needy.

Phil "Hmm. Aight, I'll be back." He said kissing me on the cheek knowing exactly what I wanted.

Phil literally took forever to finish showering though causing me to fall asleep again.

The next morning I woke up before him. He was passed out. Guess he had a crazy night last night with the boys. I got up, brushed my teeth and took a quick shower. I dressed in a white tank top and some pink cotton shorts.

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