Game Changer pt2

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Saturday, October 13th

August POV

I pulled up to my crib in an Uber confused asf. Idk what the f*ck happened last night but I woke up on Nellé's couch dis morning. The worst part is, shawty was layin right next to me and she ain't had shit on. Ha panties and bra was all on da floor n shit.

I knoe I couldn't have f*cking touched her since I don't roll like dat. Even when I had da chance to f*ck her, I passed. Yea she gave me top, but that was a few years back and before she started f*ckin with Shad. I would neva do that to da homie, nor mess with any broad my girl familiar with. So if I was to f*ck up, it definitely wouldn't be with her. Didn't stick around to ask wtf happened though, I just charged my phone long enough to call an Uber, then dipped. She was still asleep when I left.


Unlocking my door, my mind is racing faster than a mothaf*ka. I knoe I ain't f*ck wit shawty but how da f*ck am I gonna explain dis shit to Dream? Wat da f*ck I'mma say when she ask why I ain't come home last night? Where da f*ck was my head at bruh?


August "Hey Gruma." I said giving her a kiss on the forehead before taking a seat on da stool in front the kitchen counter.

A Gruma "Hey baby, now getting in I see." She said already gettin on my case.

August "Yea." I said zoning out and back into my thoughts.

A Gruma "Hmm. You hungry?"

August "..." I heard her but I just can't snap da f*ck outta it. I'm only in the kitchen cause I'm trying to avoid going up to ma room right now. Not ready to tell the woman I love that I potentially f*cked up. All when shit was finally goin right.

A Gruma "August!"

August "Yuh?"

A Gruma "Would you like some breakfast?"

August "Yea I ca eat sum."

A Gruma "Baby is everything ok?"

August "Yea, I'm cool."

A Gruma "Let me ask you something son." She placed one hand on the counter and one on her hip. "What are your intentions with Dream?"

August "Wat you mean? You knoe how I feel bout ha."

A Gruma "I'm only asking because I can tell she brings out a side of you that's been locked up for years. I know you love her, I can tell but what's the point if you never come back home to her whenever you decide to go out? Always returning in the mornings. Do you think that's gonna create a happy home? You talking about moving her here to live with you but you're behaving a little less than the man I know you to be."

August "Back in Nola all I did was tried ta have sum fun on ma birthday mayne. I tol y'all I ain't want no party so don't get mad if I ran wit it and went to da after party. Dat was one night. All them otha nights, she knew wat it was. We cool on dat."

A Gruma "And last night? Cause I know da only reason you in this kitchen with me is because you're avoiding her. I can tell baby."

August "How you figure dat?"

A Gruma "Cause the first thing you always do when you get in the house is go straight up to your room. You don't make stops, you head straight for that shower cause you don't like feeling dirty. Now you tryna sit here and tell me you've been out all night and you acting like the first thing you wanna do is eat sum damn breakfast and talk to me?"

August "..." I couldn't say shit cause thea wasn't shit to say otha than Idk wtf I did.

A Gruma "I hate getting in your business cause I know you don't like when I do but I think you need to go talk to her. She's been over that toilet since she woke up. Can't keep anything down."

August "Wat chu mean?"

A Gruma "I mean she needs a doctor August. You two need to go see a doctor. She told me she's been feeling this way for about a month now. I can't believe she hasn't checked in with a doctor. Do you know what this could possibly mean?"

August "You'nt think she?"

A Gruma "Yes, I do think she is."

August "Damn." Talk bout da worst day eva to hear sum shit like dis. "Aight Gruma, guess imma have ta take a reign check on breakfast. Finna go see watz up with ha."

A Gruma "Ok baby."

I got up to head upstairs but she stopped me.

A Gruma "Son. Can I ask you one more question? Don't be mad at me for prying but I just think you outta be sure."

August "Gruma naw ain't da time fa all'at. Dat n*gga ain't been round ha fa a while so we good on dat."

A Gruma "Ok August I just want the best for you."

August "Preciate it Gruma. Seriously do. But I'm a grown man, I cud handle myself." I said hugging her while rethinking wat I just said about handling myself? Smh, don't even know how imma get ma self outta wateva da f*ck happened last night.


Opening da door to ma room is one a da scariest shit I eva did. So much fa all'at 'grown man' talk I just did downstairs. Times like these I wish my bro was hea mayne. Can't believe I'm bout ta tell da woman dats possibly carrying my seed dat I possibly stepped out on her last night.

I walked in the room seeing her laying in ma bed asleep. Ain't gon lie dat took da burden off ma shoulders for da time being. I ain't ready for the 'where you been' questions yet. So I decided to head straight to the shower to wash da night off me.

I did what I had to do then hopped out and put on a knee length grey sweat pants and a wife beater.

I stood there for a second watching her sleep. Ain't gon lie, if I lose ha ova this dumb shit, I won't be able to to forgive myself for it.

I slid in bed next to her draping my arm under da sheet and ova her waist so my hand can rest directly on her stomach. I gently rubbed on it. She quickly placed her hand over mine I guess figuring it was me.

Dream "Hey baby." She smiled with her eyes still closed.

August "Hey." I said now kissing along her face and neck.

Dream "Is everything ok? I tried calling you." She said turning her body over so she could face me. "I was asleep when you texted."

August "Ma phone died, sorry bout dat baybeh." I said still kissing on her lips trying to make her forget wat she was talking about.

Dream "Mhm." She moaned coming out of a kiss. "I tried calling you this morning too. Kind of got me worried."

August "I'm cool baybeh. I fell asleep ova at da homie's crib, ain't shit." I said lying. "I hurd you wasn't feelin well earlier." I stated intentionally changing da subject. Besides, dis more important anyways.

Dream "Yea." She sighed. "Babe there's something I need to tell you." She said sitting up.

F*ck, this shit for real?

August "Sup, you good?" I asked propping myself up on my elbow.

Dream "Yea, I'm ok but I think I need to see a doctor. I don't want to scare you but-"

August "You think you pregnant?"

She paused for a second I guess not expecting me to know already. I sat up facing her planting a kiss on ha lips.

Dream "...Yea." She mumbled against mine.

I felt her tears as they slid down her face.

August "So wat you cryin fa?" I asked holding her chin up with my hand.

Dream "So you're not against it? I know you're not ready for all of this but..."

August "Who said I wasn't ready?" I asked her kissing on her lips and gently touching her stomach. "I'm hea baybeh. Ain't goin no whea."

Dream "I love you." She said wrapping her arms around me, breaking down. I wrapped her in ma arms and told her it'll be ok.

August "Luh you too baybeh."

This is probably about a year late lol. I guess I rarely get motivated to write since I barely get feedback on here. Anyways, this is for the silent readers I guess...😘

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