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September 3rd

Dream's POV

I woke up to a knock on the bedroom door. I sat up rubbing my eyes after noticing the door opening. I looked to my left and noticed August was not in the bed beside me.

A Gma "Good morning honey. I'm just stopping in to say I'm taking the girls out today. Need to get them their dresses. August is in the basement if you need him." She said walking in the room opening up the blinds.

Dream "Ok thank you."

A Gma "Honey let me ask you something." She said sitting at the edge of the bed. "You're not gonna break his heart, are you? At first I was concerned about you getting hurt, you know, with your situation and all. But now the tables have turned a bit...I see the way he deals with you. You know how to bring out that heart of his that's ben under lock and key. You're the only person that he lets in. I mean I don't blame him, he's had a tough upbringing so."

I rested my hand on top of hers and she placed her other over mine.

A Gruma "All I'm trying to say is. Let him know where your mind is. What ya thinkin. He's at a delicate stage right now. Lord knows he doesn't need anymore heartache." She said producing another painful smile.

I'm not going to lie, she caught me off guard.

Dream "I would never do that to him. I love August and never want to see him hurt. I know me taking my presence away from him so abruptly was wrong of me. Especially since he was trying to help me. But I get what you're saying. Right now August and I are just friends but I'd lie if I said something wasn't there."

A Gma "I know friends when I see them honey. Friends of the opposite sex don't sleep in each other's bed." She said giving my ear a quick tug before getting up.

Dream "But I, we..."

A Gruma "Just be straightforward with him."

Dream "I will." I said letting that all sink in.

A Gma "Oh by the way, we're gonna have a little kick back at the house for August's birthday today. Don't tell him it's a celebration cause he'd never allow it. It will also serve as a little farewell party for Mel. Like a wake. It'll start around 7 so be ready baybeh and make sure that hardheaded lil boi wear sum nice." She said smiling on her way out of the door.

After she left I plopped myself back down and covered my face blushing a bit.

A few minutes later I decided to get up since Cardi is expected to arrive around 11am. I went to the room I'm actually supposed to be staying in, got some clothes then headed for the shower.

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