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I know, I'm useless
I know, I don't matter
I know, I'm worthless
I know, I might shatter

I always say to myself
'I can do it..'
But then you said it yourself
"You can't do it!"

I know, you always say that
Though I'm not enough
But I'm just so fed up that
I've had enough


Here is a small piece of words, quote or-- whatever, I don't know what to call it..just read it...please....

"Do you know that words
Are sharper than knives
So be careful with your words
When you're about to strike"


Again, I don't know what it's called...I don't know what this words are considered but I guess just an advice from me cause I've always been through this situation my whole life till now when someone close to you jokes around that might came out as an insult to you though you know that it's just a joke....might call it an accident.... But hurtful words do leave some scars in your heart that's why it sharper than knives though it doesn't really hurts physically but it damages you emotionally and mentally.....

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