"It's not heavy. I'm stronger than you think."

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I rested my head against the pillows I own, the lingering smell of mixed cinnamon and vanilla became another reason why I'm smiling right now.

Earlier today, I decided to study in the library for I am annoyed of those two hooligans who kept on pestering my study routine.

I was focused for the first fifteen minutes of this study session, when I spotted your familiar hair color. I frowned when I saw you acting like you're strong. Your lanky arms forcibly carrying ten thesis hard bounds, and your face slowly painting a frown. I heaved a sigh, contemplating if I should play this trump card of approaching you or let your arms suffer miserably to the number of books you clutched.

Before I can even think of possible results of this action, I immediately walk to approach you. You were murmuring words of courage, I paid no heed to it and took the seven hard bounds from you.

You seem baffled that you did not bother to express gratitude, not that I mind. Our eyes locked for a matter of seconds, then you blinked a few times and managed to say, "I-it's not heavy." I wanted to retort that you can barely carry these books, but I just stayed silent instead. "I-I'm stronger than you think!" You said, sticking out your lower lip to emphasize your disbelief. You looked adorable in that facial expression, but I don't want to tell it to you for I am afraid that you'll think of me as a creep.

"So...where do these go?"

"At the counter—wait! Ugh, I said I can carry these by myself."

I placed them at the librarian's counter, then left before you even knew about it.

The scene plays on repeat inside my head, like a person's favorite song. I'll endlessly play it inside my head. Worry not, I'm pretty sure I'll never get tired of it.

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