"Call me if you need anything." (Part 1)

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Fourteenth of February, the day where most men expects chocolates from the girl(s) they think that will give them the sweets. I sighed as I listened to Car Radio. I ponder of something great, huh? I ponder of something that may or may not happen at all. It feels the same as waiting for your order at McCraps, expecting it to be exceptionally delicious, but it tastes like total crap. I remembered that one song lyric, and my hopes, they are high. I must keep them small. It really is hard to admit, but I know for myself that this is how I exactly feel right now.

I want to receive a homemade chocolate from you. I don't care if it's obligatory or not, I just want something from you. Somebody tapped my shoulder, I turned my head to see Yamaguchi smiling at me.

"What's wrong, Tsukki? You are spacing out." He said, holding two chocolate boxes in his hand. He saw my eyes drifted to the material, it made him chuckle. "This came from Yachi-san." He said, handing the other one to me. "An obligatory for the two of us." He said, and then I took the box from his hand. I placed it under my table.

Due to my unexplainable mixed emotions, I asked my friend a question. "Yamaguchi, how do you stop yourself from expecting something that may or may not happen?" I asked him.

A smile crept up from his lips, he mentioned your name along with his chuckle. "...hasn't she gave her chocolate to you yet?" He asked, placing his chocolate underneath his table as well.

I pursed my lips, looking downwards. Ugh, this is lame. "That's not the issue here." I retorted, dodging his question. Yamaguchi looked at me in the eyes, unusual pair of eyes. He partly looks happy, and partly looks lonely. It's as if he wanted to say something, yet he doesn't know the right words to say. I wanted to break the ice, ask his thoughts away, but the look in his eyes told me that maybe those thoughts are better kept inside his head. In a what-if theory, what if he thinks that I'm not prepared to hear him out yet, that's why he remained unprecedented behind those eyes?

"Tsukki," he cooed. He mentioned your best friend's name as he folded his arms and leaned to his table. "...she's looking for you." He simply said. Inside my head, he ran away from his own ideas, from his thoughts that's why he remained silent. I brushed those thoughts off, and nodded at him before I darted out of the room.


Your best friend asked if I could meet her in the school yard. She looked pale, her hands were jittery, and her eyes always tried to avoid contact with mine. "Tsukishima-kun, erm," she started, her eyes still can't meet mine. She mentioned your name, and heaved a sigh. "She wanted to see you...in her place." She said, swallowing her last word.

I wanted to ask why and all those sorts of things, yet none of those came out from my mouth. I know how to read the mood, and I know that your friend doesn't even want to talk about it. I pursed my lips, chewing the lower one as my eyes looked down, "I'll just go." I muttered under my breath. Your best friend sighed in relief, thanking me for doing it. I left her with my nerves killing me with anxiety and slight fear, why does everyone seemed to know what has happened to you while I'm here, knowing completely nothing?


I rang the doorbell thrice, huffing a bit for I rushed here after the class ended. I even skipped volleyball practice just to visit you. There's a delay from opening the front door, probably because you live by yourself. I heard the curtains whirring, showing your figure behind. You smiled at me from the window and silently worded 'come in' to me. I nodded as a response before entering the premises. I opened your house's front door, the smell of porridge welcomed me. I looked at you, realizing that you are wearing your pajamas, your skin pale as death yet, your cheeks are abundant in peach. I inched closer to you, leaning down to your height and let my forehead press against yours.

You flustered to the gesture. "W-what are you doing, Kei?!" You stuttered, cheeks painting more colors than before. I decided to tease you a bit, just to show a front that I'm not one bit swayed by anything. (Which is entirely false, I guess I just really want to look cool in front of you.)

My breath hitched to your nose, eyes locked and as if our stopped to indulge this single moment of happiness. It's easy to inch a little more closer, to cup your cheeks and kiss your lips, yet it'll feel like I'll be cheating for your sake. It will feel like I'm taking advantage of fragile self, that's why I- "A-aren't you going to do it?" You taunted, but sounded suggestive because of your intonation.

Author's Note:
I had to cut the chapter because it's going to be long (like totes long), so enjoy the cliffhanger, I guess?

Thanks for reading
☆彡 Len

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