"You can borrow mine."

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"Kei!" My mom exclaimed as she saw me drenched from the downpour. I frowned, as if I can tell her that I lent my umbrella to you. "I thought I told you to bring an umbrella with you. Where's your umbrella?" She said, pulling me to the bathroom.

"Someone took it from the rack, maybe they thought it was theirs." I reasoned out, placing my bag at the doorstep.

"Geez." My mom muttered as I closed the door.

I popped the buttons of my uniform open, placing every single article of clothing in the hamper. I turned the shower on, letting the water race down to my spine. I leaned my head to the cold tiled-wall of the bathroom, eyes pried closed as I tried to erase the thoughts inside my head.

You already had a boyfriend.

It's frustrating to know that someone as beautiful as you is seeing someone like that. This just proves that...my love will remain unrequited.

I remembered how you looked when you stood in front of the school lobby. You stood there, hands clenched to your bag, and your eyes locked at the gray skies. You heaved a sigh, probably because you never knew that 10% chances of rain will be this strong.

I stood beside you, holding my umbrella. The sound of it opening caught your attention, noticing that I'm beside you. "Ah! The guy from the library." You exclaimed that was followed by a smile. "What's your name?" You asked.

"Tsukishima. Tsukishima Kei." I plainly said, refusing to make eye contact with you. "What's your name?" I asked you as I watched the droplets of the rain create ripples on the puddle right in front of me. You told me your name, which I already knew before. "What are you doing here?" I asked you.

You scratched your left cheek with your index finger. "I wasn't really told that the baseball team will not be having their training, so..." You said, laughing awkwardly afterwards.

"Are you waiting for a friend, or—" I was about to ask, yet you finished my supposedly interrogative sentence with a declarative one.

"Boyfriend." You said, a small smile appearing from your lips. I can feel my heart sank, but I'm glad I'm not good at expressing my emotion, so I just sighed and offered you my umbrella, putting you under it as you trailed your eyes to mine. "You can borrow...mine." I said, my lips quivering a bit.

"No, no, it's fine—"

"I insist." I said, pushing it gently to you. "Besides, I live a rock's toss away." I said, persuading you to take mine.

Remembering how much I care for you makes me want to barf. I never cared for anyone like this. I cared once for my brother, my friend and my team. I never thought I'd care for a girl, and let her break my heart as she captivates me with her little gestures.

Eleven Ways to say "I love you"|| Tsukishima Kei x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now