Chapter 1

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The sun rose on the horizon, warming up the large pine trees dotting the landscape below. The animals living in the lush, green forest began to stir and wander about. On the west side of the forest a abandoned badger's den hid behind a curtain of low-hanging moss. Inside the den, a yellow fluffy monkey/bear/koala-like animal and a lovely vixen were sleeping peacefully, their arms wrapped around each other. The sunlight had trickled into the den, shining its rays point-blank in their faces. Hugo sluggishly opened his eyes, and laid a paw on his face, shielding it from the sunlight. He yawned, and began scratching his back. Not too long after, Rita awoke. She yawned rather elegantly as she rubbed her head, ruffling her crimson fur.

"Good morning, Hugo. It's a beautiful morning, isn't it?" Rita stated.

"Yeah! Rita, look! The trees are beginning to turn brown." Hugo replied, noticing some of the trees were beginning to look old and wrinkled.

"Winter's around the corner. We should get going if we wanna have food to last the winter." Rita said, lovingly rubbing her nose with Hugo's cheek, earning a hearty chuckle.

"Alright, let's go." Hugo said, before leaping out of the den, with Rita in hot pursuit. The couple laughed and frolicked around, pouncing on each other, pulling their tails and playfully chasing each other around. The two lovers came upon a large creek that was lined with berry bushes. Hugo and Rita excitedly licked their lips and dove into the bushes, eating a ton of red berries. Hugo loved red berries, and he knew Rita really loved red berries, so he had picked this spot specifically to forge for berries and get some delicious breakfast. Hugo grabbed a large leaf that had fallen from a tree and began to collect tons of berries to save for the winter. After collecting a suitable amount, he climbed a tree and gathered a bunch of apples. After the gathering, Hugo and Rita headed home. Hugo carried the leaves filled with collected food on his back. Rita attempted to carry her own little bundle, but she found herself struggling. Hugo picked up her bundle and slung it on his back, and wrapped a free arm around Rita.

"Don't worry, I got it. I don't want all that stress to get to the kits." Hugo said in a concerned tone. Rita smiled, and drew closer to him.

"Aww, you're such a cute gentleman." Rita replied, snuggling up to Hugo's side. Hugo smiled. He had everything he wanted. A nice home, a loving, beautiful mate who started out as his best friend, and soon, a family. Unknown to him, Hugo would meet another friend.


Elsewhere in the forest, a different event of grander proportions had broke out. Ground-shaking rumbles and defeaning roars rang out as a towering mech sporting a hulk-like bodily build, a green color scheme mixed with black pattering, and two Autobot insignias plastered to his shoulders smashed into a wad of trees, growling in fury and moderate pain. Smashing his way into the clearing, a equally huge quadrupedal dog-like mech sporting a dark violet palette and dark grey markings with crimson bioluminescent crevices and lights all over his outer frame. The beastial Decepticon roared out loudly, charging straight towards his opponent. The Autobot snarled, narrowing his light blue optics as he rolled out of the Decepticon's way, sliding towards a large oak tree. The Decepticon roared out, throwing a bunch of trees on the ground. Turning to the Autobot, the Decepticon Chompazoid snarled viciously.

"I am sick and tired of having to deal with you, Grimlock! When I'm finished mangling your broken husk into scrap, you're gonna wish you were never forged!"

"We'll see about that, Underbite!"

Underbite roared out angrily, charging at Grimlock yet again. The Dinobot growled and jumped into the air, converting into a huge Cybertronian Tyrannosaurus Rex. Grimlock roared out as he charged Underbite, colliding headfirst into the Chompazoid.


Hugo, after the morning gathering, was exhausted and fell asleep, leaning on the left wall of the den. Rita wrapped her tail around her mate and laid down next to him, laying her head down to nap a little as well. Suddenly a loud rumble had woke both of them up. Hugo scampered towards the den's entrance in a panic.

"What was THAT?!" Hugo questioned, noticing a huge amount of smoke rising into the sky in the distance. Rita walked over to Hugo, and gave him a concerned look.

"Hugo, what's happening out there?" Rita asked, clutching her belly.

"I don't know, Rita. But you need to stay here, I'll check it out." Hugo said, nuzzling Rita's cheek.

"But, Hugo-" Rita began, but Hugo gave her a relaxed look.

"I'll be fine, Rita. I'll come back. I promise." Hugo reassured, before sprinting off to find the source of the smoke. Rita's ears flopped down to the sides of her head, rubbing her belly as if to comfort her unborn kits.

"I hope so..." Rita said to herself.


Hugo climbed up the trees and leaped on a vine, swinging past monkeys Zig and Zag, who were busy eating bananas until Hugo whizzed by. The two monkeys began to swing on their own vines along with Hugo after they caught up to him.

"Hey, Hugo! What's the rush?" Zig asked.

"Yeah, what's the rush?" Zag repeated.

"There's something going on in the deep part of the jungle! I got to find out what it is. You guys are welcome to join me!" Hugo replied.

"Okay!" Zig and Zag both replied, following Hugo deeper into the jungle. The three friends leaped on a tree branch, and spotted the source of the noise: The two colossal Transformers locked in combat. Grimlock roared, swinging his tail and sending Underbite smashing into a wad of trees with it. Underbite got up, snarling furiously. He charged Grimlock once again, only to have the T-Rex grab hold of the Chompazoid's head and slam him onto the ground. The tremor from the slamming was enough to knock Hugo and his friends off their perch and send them falling into the ground below. Hugo, Zig, and Zag shook off the fall, groaning until Underbite stomped towards them.

"What the?! STUPID FLESHIES, GET OUTTA MY WAY!" Underbite threatened, as he lifted a metal clawed hand towards them. The three animals grabbed one another together and screamed in panic, shutting their eyes closed. Before Underbite could do anything, Grimlock bashed the Decepticon to the side, coming to Hugo and friends' aid. With a roar, Grimlock bit down on Underbite's hind leg and threw the Chompazoid into the air, sending him flying into a distant part of the forest. Grimlock turned around, noticing the terrified trio shaking with terror while staring at him
"Uh... Um... Are, uh, you okay...?" Grimlock awkwardly asked.

"Y-Yeah. We're, uh, okay." Hugo replied.

"Good." Grimlock said, scratching his head. Zig and Zag had fled in panic, leaving Hugo and Grimlock alone. Grimlock looked down at Hugo, who was gawking at the Dinobot.

"Is something wrong?" Grimlock asked.

"N-No... just that I never seen anything like you before. Do you have a name?" Hugo replied.

"It's Grimlock. You?" Grimlock asked.

"Hugo. Nice to meet you." Hugo said.

"Well, I better get going now. I'm sure the others-"

"Hey, wait! Why don't you come home with me? You look lost." Hugo suggested. Grimlock rubbed his head.

"Well... I guess it wouldn't hurt to visit." Grimlock said.

"Great! I'll lead the way." Hugo said, walking off with Grimlock following him.

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