Chapter 8

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Morning came early, the whole cave was illuminated with sunlight. Hugo and Rita were the first ones awake. Grimlock and the other Dinobots were still in recharge, with Grimlock's snoring reverberating through the cavern. Rita yawned, looking at her kits, whom were beginning to wake up. She noticed their eyes were twitching and soon, they all began to open their eyes for the very first time. Rita gasped, smiling and quickly shook Hugo awake.

"Hugo! Hugo! Wake up!" Rita excitedly said, shaking Hugo vigorously.

"Huh?! Wha.. Rita, what's wrong...? Decepticons found us..?" Hugo slurred.

"No! The kits are opening their eyes!!" Rita replied, picking up the kits. Hugo was wide awake, he gasped and grinned, seeing the kits look at their parents for the first time. The kits all lifted their paws, booping Rita and Hugo's snouts. Rita once again burst in tears of joy, hugging and kissing their heads. Hugo ran towards Grimlock, who was currently deep in recharge, and tapped his snout.

"Grimlock, wake up! The kits are opening their eyes!" Hugo said, almost yelling out the news. Grimlock opened his optics, looking at Hugo.

"Whaaaatt....?" Grimlock slurred, taking a glance at Rita and the kits. He noticed their eyes were open, and he got up, smiling. He bent down, waving and making goofy faces.

"Hey there, little guy!" Grimlock said, smiling a toothy grin. The kits took one look at the Dinobot, and they immediately ran behind Rita fearfully. Grimlock sighed, scratching the back of his head.

"Did I do something wrong?" Grimlock asked. Rita laughed, wrapping her tail around the kits.

"No, Grimlock. They're just not used to seeing something so... Big. They'll come to like you, don't worry." Rita replied, smiling. Grimlock smiled back. Grimlock turned to go find Energon, when he found himself facing Steeljaw once again. Everyone froze where they were.

"Oh, what a nice cave you have here. Imagine what sort of base I could build within it. Steeljaw stated, making a sinister grin. Grimlock roared and tackled Steeljaw, the two Transformers tumbling and fighting out of the cave. Scowl, also in his Dino mode, woke up from recharcge, yawning.

"What's happening? What am I missing?" Scowl obliviously asked. Grimlock furiously punched Steeljaw in the face several times, but soon the other Decepticons had tackled the T-Rex Dinobot and held him down.

"SCOWL, GET HUGO AND HIS FAMILY OUTTA HERE!" Grimlock yelled, before Clampdown clamped Grimlock's jaws shut with his claws. Grimlock struggled and uttered muffled snarls. Scowl immediately got up, grabbed Velocirazor and Tricerashot, then lowered his tail, allowing Hugo and Rita and their kits climb up. Scowl sprinted out of the cave, but he was stopped by Conrad and a huge squadron of his soldiers.

"Hehehe... Miss me?" Conrad said, twirling a cigar. A huge, reinforced metal net was thrown on Scowl, trapping him and everyone else. Hugo and Rita tried to break free, along with the Dinobots, but they found the net was too strong to break through.

"We got Hugo and his lady, six little kits, and three robot dinosaurs as an added bonus." Conrad said, laughing evilly. The soldiers began to drag their catch to the helicopter, but then, Grimlock broke free of his captors. Transforming to robot mode, Grimlock ran towards Conrad, yelling.

"WAIT, STOP!!!" Grimlock yelled. Everyone looked at him.

".... Take me, okay? Here, take me. Just let them go!" Grimlock pleaded. Conrad and Steeljaw looked at each other with intrigue. Hugo gave Grimlock a desperate look, but Grimlock wouldn't let up.

"What could you give that would surpass Hugo's worth?" Conrad asked.

"Well, my parts could be used to create new tech, stronger weapons.... You could even make your own Transformers and use them for profit, like movies or warfare." Grimlock offered. Conrad was actually interested in Grimlock's offer.

"Hmm, interesting." Conrad contemplated.

"Mr. Cuppman, don't you want to be famous? If you capture me, take my parts, and use them to build your own Transformers, you'd be famous AND filthy rich." Grimlock continued. He was now getting Conrad's full and undivided attention.

"GRIMLOCK, NO! DON'T DO THIS!!" Hugo yelled, shaking the net. Grimlock looked at Hugo, giving him a solemn expression.

"I'm sorry Hugo... This is the only way you guys can be safe..." Grimlock said. Hugo and Rita's eyes welled with tears. They couldn't break out of the net and save their friend. Conrad made his decision as he stepped forward towards Grimlock.

"Okay, you convinced me. Boys, take him away. And just let Hugo and his fluffy friends go, they're not worth my time anymore." Conrad ordered. The soldiers freed Scowl and the others from the net, while Steeljaw placed Energon cuffs on Grimlock's arms. Grimlock walked towards a huge container big enough to hold a whole squad of Terrorcons. The Dinobot entered the container, and he was locked inside. Steeljaw and his Decepticons converted to their vehicle modes and drove off while Conrad and his men flew off in their helicopter, bringing Grimlock with them. Hugo tried to catch up, but he wasn't fast enough. Hugo dropped to his knees, helplessly watching Grimlock being towed away to his demise. Rita and the kits caught up to Hugo, who was now welling with tears. Rita embraced Hugo, beginning to cry herself. Scowl and the two Dinobot Minicons looked on with solemn expressions, their tails drooping to the ground.

"Im so sorry, Grimlock...." Hugo said to himself, sobbing quietly to himself.

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