Chapter 10

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Grimlock was hog-tied to the chair by nearly thirty scientists, who had begun their operations. Grimlock eyed a huge dashboard on his left that was filled to the brim with buttons, switches, thermo-clocks, and more. As he looked over the instruments to his destruction, Grimlock eyed Steeljaw leaning to the side of a huge hanger door, a huge, villainous grin on his faceplate. The wolf-like Decepticon walked over to the chair, smirking evilly.

"Feeling comfortable, Dinobot?" Steeljaw asked smugly. Grimlock growled angrily.

"I'll feel comfortable when I break outta these cuffs and throw you and your gang into a stasis pod!" Grimlock threatened. Steeljaw just laughed the threat off.

"I don't know about you, but those restraints look really tight. I doubt you'd be able to break free on your own." Steeljaw replied, grinning. He turned to leave, flicking his tail in a bragging way. Grimlock began to struggle, but he found he couldn't break free.

"GRRR! COME BACK HERE! YOU'RE JUST SCARED TO FIGHT A DINOBOT!! YOU THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH THIS, STEELJAW?! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE?! A COWARD! LIKE STARSCREAM!!!" Grimlock roared out in a furious rant. Steeljaw ignored Grimlock as he entered a large room where Conrad and Boris were waiting.

"Well, that went well." Steeljaw bluntly commented. Conrad chuckled as he twirled a cigar between his fingers.

"Lets hope the rust bucket told the truth. Or I'd salvage some cheap alien robot parts for nothing." Conrad replied.

"Shall we start the operation?" Steeljaw said with a sly look.

"Certainly." Conrad replied. He pushed the button on a communicator.



Hugo, after finding the building, snuck in through a vent located near the back door. The air ducts were creaky, rusted, and surprisingly very dusty. As Hugo ventured along the ducts, the mechanical whirrs of the machines grew louder and louder until he noticed he was right on top of the room Grimlock was held captive in. Looking through the bars of a bottom vent, Hugo could barely make out what was happening. The probes, drills, and blades were nearly upon Grimlock as the Dinobot braced for whatever was going to come. Hugo gasped at the sight.

"Oh no! I need to hurry!" Hugo said, pulling at the vent. He was getting nowhere, and decided to kick it in. At first, he thought it wouldn't budge.

"Gaah! Stupid metal square! Open, open, OPE-" Hugo was interrupted when the vent gave way and poor Hugo fell flat onto the ground. Everything and everyone stopped and gawked at Hugo, who was picking himself off the floor.

"Hugo...?!" Grimlock blurted out, surprised. Conrad smashed his fist on the dashboard in frustration.

"WHAT THE?! IT'S HUGO AGAIN! HOW DID HE FIND US??" Conrad yelled. Steeljaw just motioned Conrad to remain quiet with his tail.

"Easy, Cuppman. There's a solution to this." Steeljaw said, tapping into the communicator.

"Kill the pest and move on." Steeljaw commanded. A squad of soldiers with weaponized guns surrounded Hugo. Grimlock began snarling, struggling to break free. Hugo closed his eyes, awaiting his demise. Suddenly, the hangars doors on the side of the room began to tremble and rumble violently. Everyone turned their attention to the doors. Suddenly, the doors were smashed open as Scowl, with Rita riding on his shoulders, bashing his way into the building while the two Dinobot Minicons started fighting their way through the hordes of soldiers. Hugo and Grimlock grinned widely.

"Rita!" Hugo exclaimed, as he and Rita ran to each other and embraced in a hug.

"Hugo! I couldn't just let you do this alone, so I convinced the Dinobots to rescue you and Grimlock!" Rita said.

"Wait, where are the kits? Don't tell me you've left them home alone!" Hugo gasped.

"Don't worry, Zig and Zag found our den and they're watching the kits." Rita replied. to Hugo's relief. Scowl transformed to Ankylosaurus mode and began wrecking havoc on the lab. Steeljaw bashed the doors of the room he was in open in a giant fit of rage.

"IMPOSSIBLE!!! RAAAAAGGHHH!!" Steeljaw roared out as he lunged at Scowl. The Ankylosaurus Dinobot swung his hammer tail, smashing Steeljaw point-blank in the chest with it, sending the Decepticon crashing into a few walls. Tricerashot and Velocirazor broke the restraints holding Grimlock and promptly freed him.

"You're free, boss!" Tricerashot exclaimed. Grimlock got up, transforming to T-Rex mode.

"Thanks, guys." Grimlock said. The two Minicons saluted to him and then went to fend off Conrad's forces. Grimlock ran up to Rita and Hugo as he bent down towards them.

"Hugo, thanks..." Grimlock said, smiling.

"Aww, shucks... It was nothing." Hugo replied. All of a sudden, Steeljaw smashed through the debris where he crashed, freeing himself.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! GRIMLOOOOOOCCKKK!!!!!" Steeljaw roared out in rage, preparing to lunge at the Dinobot. Grimlock stomped his feet on the ground, snarling. He turned to Rita and Hugo.

"Get behind me. NOW." Grimlock said. Rita collected the kits, and she and Hugo got behind Grimlock's leg. Facing Steeljaw, Grimlock narrowed his optics, snarling.

"You and me, Steeljaw! We're finishing this here and now!" Grimlock stated.

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