Chapter 5

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It was a couple of weeks since Hugo met Grimlock, and things couldn't be better for him and Rita. With Grimlock around, they were alot more safer from hungry carnivores. Predators didn't dare go near the den without alerting the Dinobot of their presence. Even the resident jaguar, whom bears a deadly reputation for being the most dangerous and ruthless predator of the forest, immediately turns the other direction if he so much as hears Grimlock's footsteps. Foraging has also been much easier for the couple. Grimlock was able to dig large holes in the ground, revealing huge caches of delicious truffels and mushrooms for Hugo and Rita to eat. Even though she still slightly doubted Grimlock's intentions, she has grown a little more fond of him. It was another usual morning, the sun rose in the morning sky, warming the land below. Hugo yawned, opening his eyes, and began to scratch his back. Suddenly, without warning, Rita began to loudly holler in pain. Hugo immediately rushed to her side, holding her paws.

"Rita!! Whats wrong!?" Hugo asked in a panic.

"The kits... THEY'RE COMING! AAAAGHHH...!!" Rita exclaimed, groaning loudly. Hugo's eyes exploded to the size of flying saucers. The kits are coming... THE KITS ARE COMING!

"AAAAAAHHHHH THE KITS ARE COMING!!! YOU NEED WATER... BUT I CAN'T JUST..." Hugo exclaimed. Rita, in her pain, rubbed Hugo's paw with hers.

"Honey, I can... AAGHH!" Rita yelled out, clutching her stomach. Hugo took hold of her paw, sitting right next to her.

"Rita, you are at your most vulnerable like this. I'm not leaving you alone in the den." Hugo firmly stated.

"Oh, Hugo...." Rita replied, a tear slid down her cheek.

"GRIMLOCK!!" Hugo hollered, immediately getting the Dinobot's attention. Grimlock, now in robot mode, came in a hurry.

"Hugo, whats the matter?!" Grimlock asked.

"Rita's giving birth! Can you get water for her, please?" Hugo asked. Grimlock's optics widened and he quickly ran towards the nearest stream.

"AAAHH! ON IT! I'M GOING QUICK AS LIGHTNING!!" Grimlock yelled, grabbing a abandoned tortoise shell and scooping up a large amount of water. Transforming to T-Rex mode, Grimlock used his tail to scoop up water into the large shell faster. Zig and Zag leaped on a branch right above the Dinobot.

"Hey, slow down. A big metal thing doesn't need THAT much water!" Zag stated.

"Its not for me, its for Rita! She's having the kits TODAY!" Grimlock replied. Grabbing the shell full of water and heading back to the den. Zig and Zag looked at each other.

"SHE'S HAVING THE BABIES!!!" The two monkeys yelped as they quickly followed Grimlock back. Grimlock ran through the forest, barely acknowledging the small forest critters that scurried out of his path. When Grimlock finally arrived, Hugo was outside waiting.

"I'm here! I really hope im not too late!" Grimlock said, putting down the shell.

"Oh, no. You're just in time, actually." Hugo said, with a huge smile and tears of joy washing his cheeks. Grimlock peeked in the den, seeing what had happened. Rita had her tail wrapped gently around six beautiful and very healthy newborn kits, whom were immediately nursing on her milk. Rita lovingly licked their coats with her tongue, cleaning them while they suckled. Two of the six kits were red and black, like their mother, while the other four sported golden coloration like their father. Hugo sat carefully next to Rita, holding her paw. The two new parents nuzzled each other, both crying tears of joy.

"Oh Hugo, they're beautiful..." Rita said in a soft and sweet tone, wiping a tear from her eye.

"Yeah... You got to admit, they got my looks." Hugo said jokingly. Rita let out a exhausted laugh, nuzzling Hugo's cheek. Zig and Zag entered the den, mesmerized by the kits.

"They look so cute! I promised myself I wouldn't cry..." Zig said, forcing back his own tears.

"I didn't..." Zag replied, before he began bawling his eyes out. Grimlock, too, was struck by a weird sense of joy. He wiped a oil tear from his optic, smiling widely. Hugo caught the Dinobot off-guard, looking at him.

"Grimlock? Are you... Crying?" Hugo asked, chuckling.

"No! I... Uh... I got dust in my optics." Grimlock replied, quickly wiping the rest of the oil tears from his optics.

"Congratulations, guys." Grimlock said, grinning. Hugo and Rita smiled happily.

"Thanks, Grim." Hugo replied. Grimlock noticed a beautiful bright red and green rose right next to him. He picked it up, handing it to Hugo.

"Erm... This might not mean much, but I want the kids to have it. From what I heard about Earth customs, it makes someone happy when a friend gives them a flower." Grimlock said. Rita and Hugo smiled genuinely at the Dinobot.

"Oh, Grimlock... It's a beautiful gift. Thank you so much." Rita said. Grimlock smiled back before walking off. Zag left some of his own makeshift baby toys, which were made out of vines and branches, at the mouth of the den.

"These are some presents for the kids, when they're a bit older of course." Zag said. Hugo and Rita thanked them as the two monkeys left to go eat something, leaving the two alone with their newborn children.

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