Chapter 4

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A abandoned steel mill stood alone in a large, deserted creek. Broken trees were scattered around the building, dotting the area. The building itself looked worse for wear, riddled with rust, dents, and broken windows. Inside, a large band of animal-like Decepticons (with the exception of one that resembled a motorcycle) were busy working around the base. Their leader, a wolf-like Decepticon sporting slashed Decepticon insignias on both his shoulders, was inspecting the main computer when he eyed Underbite entering the building. Steeljaw narrowed his golden optics and turned to the Chompazoid.

"Underbite, you're back. I thought we had lost you in the fall." Steeljaw said with eerie calmness in his voice.

"I would've gotten here earlier if it weren't for that Dinobot and a furry pest." Underbite said.

"Furry pest?" Steeljaw asked. Underbite pressed a few keys on the dashboard, opening up a profile of what appeared to be Hugo's species.

"Ahh, I heard of this creature. Its extremely rare on this planet. There was a article about a human named Conrad Cuppmann whom made several failed attempts to capture the lifeform due to the surprising amount of intellect and cunning this creature possesses. You said he was part of the interference, didn't you?"

"Yeah. The Dinobot bashed me good before I could get rid of that fuzzy insect..." Underbite replied, rubbing the top of his head. Steeljaw rubbed his chin as he meddled with a loose spring in his claws.

"We still have to figure out how to get rid of Bumblebee's little team before we can grab the stasis pods they've been keeping in their base." Steeljaw said. He stared at the screen for a few moments with a concentrated scowl on his faceplate.

"What if... What if we pick Bumblebee's team off one by one? We could get rid of all the Autobots without the danger of facing them all at once. And what better way to destroy the Autobots than to knock off their powerhouse? Tell me, how do you lure a Dinobot out of hiding?" Steeljaw asked. A crab-like Decepticon raised his claw in the air in anticipation.

"We cook up a trap using a giant cannister of Energon?" Clampdown asked, yet all he got was a slap from moose-like Decepticon Thunderhoof. Steeljaw's smirk grew wider.

"No. We use the thing he cares about most against him, and right now, thats the furry creature. Now we are going to need a bit of assistance to catch him. Fortunatelt, I know just who to call..." Steeljaw answered, opening a rap sheet of Conrad Cuppmann on the computer screen.

"Conrad's currently imprisoned in a jailhouse nearby. Let's go give him a visit."


Walking down a corridor, Conrad grumbled to himself as two guards escorted him to the entrance of the prison facility. It was nearly two years since he was arrested after trying to illegally capture Hugo and Rita. The guards led Conrad to a hall, where he faced the front desk attendant.

"Mr. Cuppmann, you should be lucky. You're getting bailed out." The attendant informed Conrad.

"Bailed out? Who's bailing me out!?" Conrad asked.
"He didn't confess his name. He only said he was a friend of yours." The attendant replied.

"Friend...?" Conrad muttered. The guards took off his cuffs and handed him his coat, which he hastily put on before exiting outside, noticing a heavily built yet sleek grey muscle car parked right in front of the building. Conrad raised an eyebrow inquisitely. The car opened its door, yet nobody sat in the driver's seat. Conrad was confused and slightly scared.

"What is this, a prank?!" Conrad demanded.

"No, I'm afraid not. Are you planning on entering or staying in this horrid facility?" Steeljaw spoke, which made Conrad yelp loudly in surprise.

"GAAHH! What the?! What are you?? Some sort of automatic car or something?" Conrad questioned.

"Something like that. Are you getting in or not?" Steeljaw asked. Conrad, despite his doubt, entered the car. Steeljaw closed the door and sped off, driving down the road. Steeljaw pulled over by an abandoned farm and opened the door, letting Conrad out. Immediately, Steeljaw converted to robot mode, which terrified Conrad to no end.

"WHAT THE?! AAAAHHH! GIANT TRANSFORMING ROBOT!!" Conrad yelled, backing up.

"I KNEW IT! THIS WAS A TRICK! IM GONNA DIE HERE!!" Conrad wailed. Steeljaw rolled his optics and rubbed his forehead in annoyance.

"You idiot, I would have killed you the second you stepped out those doors. I brought you here so we can talk. You can call me Steeljaw." Steeljaw said.

"Talk? Why do you wanna talk?!" Conrad demanded.

"I need help capturing a certain yellow fuzzy creature that goes by the name Hugo, was it?" Steeljaw stated. Conrad's eyes widened like dinner plates at the mention of Hugo's name.

"Wait, you want to capture Hugo too?" Conrad asked, interest and a lust for vengeance flickering in his eyes.

"Yes, but not for the same reason as you. You see, I need him to lure an enemy of mine out of hiding. Tell you what, if you can help me capture Hugo, I'll give you a taste of the spoils of victory. I'll make sure you get noticed for bringing Hugo in. You'll be rich and famous. Everyone would recognize you as the man who caught the rarest animal on Earth. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. Is that a deal?" Steeljaw replied, giving Conrad a sly look. Conrad scratched his chin in comtemplation. He made a diabolical grin as he looked at Steeljaw.

"Its a deal! Conrad Cuppmann, CEO of Cuppmann Film Enterprises at your service, Mr. Steeljaw." Conrad happily stated, as he and the Decepticon shook hands.

"Im glad its been decided. I have to depart, I must get started on our plan right away. Your office is just two miles from here. That shouldn't be a problem for you, right?" Steeljaw said.

"Not at all..." Conrad replied, looking down and fidgeting with his big belly.

".... I could use the excercise, now that I think about it." Conrad contemplated to himself. Steeljaw converted back to vehicle mode and drove off, leaving Conrad to his own devices. Conrad got his phone and began to dial a number.

"Burtis, its me, Conrad. Im heading to the office now, we just got ourselves a new opportunity at fame!" Conrad called, before hanging up and laughing diabolically.

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