Chapter 7

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Grimlock and Scowl raced towards a large river in desperation to escape Conrad and his allies. Grimlock held a firm, protective grip on Hugo and his family as they were clutched in his clawed servos. The Dinobots suddenly skidded to a halt, noticing there was no log or naturally made bridge to cross the river. Grimlock turned around, eyeing Conrad and Steeljaw's pack closing in on them. Rita gasped, holding the kits close to her. Scowl raised his deadly tail, snarling as he, along with the two Dinobot Minicons, prepared for the ensuing fight. Grimlock bared his razor-sharp teeth as he uttered a beastial growl. With a enraged growl, Steeljaw leaped off the ground and lunged towards Grimlock with claws ready to strike. Grimlock immediately swung his tail at the lupine Decepticon, sending Steeljaw sprawling into the ground. Conrad ordered his men to fire sleep darts at Hugo and Rita, but Grimlock deflected the darts away from them with his tail.

"KEEP FIRING! WE'RE NOT LETTING THEM ESCAPE THIS TIME!!" Conrad ordered, prompting the guards to keep firing on the Dinobots. The kits were crying out, terrified from all the commotion. Rita cradled them in her arms, trying to calm them down.

"Shh... It's okay, my babies... Mommy's got you..." Rita softly whispered, kissing each kit's forehead. Grimlock looked down at Hugo and Rita, then glanced at the raging rapids. He turned to Scowl with a concerned look.

"Scowl, we gotta jump it. We have no other choice!" Grimlock stated.

"Okay, Grim. I hope you know what you're doing..." Scowl replied, getting prepared to jump. Grimlock looked at Hugo and Rita.

"Guys, hold on to my hand, and TIGHT. We're jumping this rapid!" Grimlock said. Hugo and Rita quickly took hold of one of Grimlock's clawed fingers. Grimlock and Scowl took one step back then, with a extra boost of speed, they launched themselves from the ledge, falling straight towards the other side. The two Dinobots landed rather clumsily on the other side of the rapids, but they and Hugo's family were safe, for now. Grimlock looked back before he, Scowl, Hugo and his family ran off, escaping their pursuers. Steeljaw had recovered from the tail-whack, and saw Hugo and Grimlock had escaped. Steeljaw began yelling out and throwing whatever he can get his claws on in a flurry of rage.

"FRAGGIT!!!!" Steeljaw yelled, kicking a boulder into the rapids. "WE HAD THEM!!! WE COULD HAVE GOTTEN THEM BUT YOUR MEN WERE TOO SLOW!" Steeljaw scolded Conrad, who stood there, quietly receiving Steeljaw's verbal wrath. Normally, he'd lash out at someone who talked trash to him, but the client in fromt of him was a 60 ft. tall wolf-like alien robot with high-tech weaponry at his disposal, not to mention he has razor-sharp claws he could easily maul anyone with. Conrad would rather sit through Steeljaw's rants than talk back to him and risk being stomped on by the raging Decepticon.


"Maybe because you had a much less chance of catching Hugo than I did..." Conrad, as calm as he could possibly be, replied. Steeljaw rubbed his forehead in frustration.

"Yes, of course..." Steeljaw grumbled. He turned to the other Decepticons, grimacing.

"What are you useless waste of METALS WAITING FOR?! FIND A WAY TO CROSS THESE RAPIDS NOW!!!!!" Steeljaw yelled furiously. The other Decepticons quickly converted to their vehicle modes and drove off to find a vantage point in the rapids. Steeljaw converted to his vehicle mode and drove off to do the same.

"You heard Steeljaw! Get to the helicopter, we gotta find a entrance point!" Conrad ordered, before he and his men went back to the attack helicopter parked ten miles out from the rapids.


It was half an hour since they escaped, and soon, Grimlock and the rest of the group were getting exhausted. It was feeding time for the kits, and so Rita leaned back-first on Grimlock's palm, the kits beginning to nurse on her milk, suckling from the teats located on Rita's lower belly. Hugo was now riding upon Grimlock's head, acting as a extra set of eyes to spot any signs of danger early on. Scowl noticed Rita nursing the kits and looked at Grimlock.

"I never knew organics nourished their... younglings this way." Scowl quietly began. Grimlock looked at him.

"Yeah.... I learned most mammals on this planet feed their newborns this way. Its natural." Grimlock replied. Scowl contemplated this new information and then decided to leave it be. Night was fast approaching, and Grimlock needed to find shelter for Hugo and his family. Luckily, he spotted a huge abandoned cave up ahead. The group decided to stay there for the night. The cave was surprisingly dry and warm, and it seemed to be no longer than 5 feet long. Stalactites hung from the roof of the cave, appearing as if the cave itself was a mouth full of teeth. Grimlock cautiously entered the cave, followed by Scowl, Tricerashot, and Velocirazor. Lowering his hand, Grimlock gently put down Rita and the kits in a safer, cozier corner of the cavern. Hugo slid off Grimlock's tail and settled next to Rita, wrapping an arm around her. The kits were finished feeding for the night, as they began to become sleepy. Rita gently wrapped her tail around them, singing a soft, quiet lullaby to help them fall asleep. Scowl and the two Dinobot Minicons situated themselves in the deeper part of the cave. Night came, bringing a rainstorm with it. It was pouring hard outside, yet surprisingly, the kits slept through the noise. Grimlock sat at the mouth of the cave, sulking to himself about the day they had. Hugo and Rita were nearly captured today, and their kits could have been seriously hurt or worse if it wasn't for Scowl and the Minicons interfering with Conrad. Grimlock suddenly felt someone tap his leg. He turned his head, seeing Hugo placing a paw on his lower leg.

"Having a tough time going to sleep, aren't 'cha?" Hugo asked. Grimlock sighed and turned to the rain.

"I don't need sleep." Grimlock blatanly replied. Hugo sat down next to the Dinobot.

"Then what's bugging you, Grimlock?" Hugo asked. Grimlock turned to Hugo with an almost saddened expression.

"It's my fault, Hugo. Those Decepticons wanted me, and they tried to hurt your family to get to me. I brought you into this mess.... Im sorry." Grimlock said, lowering his head.

"Grimlock, its not your fault! Nobody knew this was going to happen." Hugo consoled. "Look, in the short time we knew each other, you done alot for my family. You really helped us out, Grimlock. Me and Rita are grateful to have a friend like you." Hugo continued, patting Grimlock's leg.

"You guys really think I'm your friend?" Grimlock asked.

"Yeah. Me and Rita both. If it wasn't for you.." Hugo said, turning to Rita and the kits, whom were fast asleep. ".... I don't know what would've happened." Hugo finished. Grimlock smiled, which made Hugo smile back.

"Thank you, Grimlock." Hugo said.

"Its no problem, really. I'm glad we're friends." Grimlock replied. The two friends looked beyond the pouring rain, as if they can see a rainbow shining brightly in the distance.

"Me too." Hugo said.

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