Chapter 6

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It has been almost three weeks since the kits' birth. While they weren't able to see just yet, they did grow a bit bigger since their birth. Rita was busy cleaning the kits after their daily feeding, licking the top of their heads gently and lovingly. The kits always fussed during their bathtime, which made it clear they absolutely hated it. It was late morning, and the sun was shining its brightest today. Hugo walked into the den, carrying two large bananas. Rita smiled warmly, feeling her stomach growl.

"How are the kids doing?" Hugo asked, handing the larger out of the two bananas to Rita.

"They're just fine, honey. They just finished the morning feeding." Rita softly replied, eating the banana hungrily.

"Thanks, Hugo. I love you so much." Rita said, kissing Hugo's cheek. Hugo blushed, giggling. After breakfast, Rita yawned, satisfied and happy. Cuddling with her kits, she wrapped her arms around the smallest kit of the litter, whom she personally named Hugo Jr. The other kits were happy beside mom's belly while Junior was content. Soon, all six kits were sleeping comfortably, with Rita kissing each one softly on the head. Hugo leaned against a wall, smiling happily. Soon, the entire family was asleep, as if they were locked in a spell.


Steeljaw and his pack of Decepticons hid in the bushes that lay right in front of the two dens. The Decepticons grimaced, spotting the den where Hugo and Rita resided.

"Stay hidden. When Conrad gives the signal, we strike!" Steeljaw commanded.

"I can't wait long! I want a rematch with that Dino-dolt NOW!" Underbite fussed. Steeljaw shot the Chompazoid a cold look that immediately shut him up. Conrad and a few armsd men snuck up closer to the den, taking a . Hugo woke up, noticing the guards. He immediately jumped and before they could fire a net at him, Hugo grabbed Rita and the kits and rolled out of the way, he and Rita bolted out of the den with the kits. Steeljaw gave the signal and the Decepticons surrounded the family.

"Oh no!" Hugo exclaimed. He boldly got in front of Rita and the kits to protect them.

"You're not hurting my family!" Hugo yelled, trying to be as big and threatning as possible.

"Ey yo! Th' little fuzzball thinks he can take us on." Thunderhoof mocked, reaching out his servo to grab Hugo. Without warning, Grimlock bashed into Steeljaw's pack, knocking all of them over.

"RUN!!!" Grimlock hollered, fighting off the Decepticons on his own. Hugo and Rita quickly bolted away, but suddenly, they were caught by a elaborate trap made by Conrad. They hung inside a net that was tied to a tree. Hugo Jr. had been dropped onto the soft ground when Hugo and the family were caught in the net. Conrad walked up to him and picked the kit up, inspecting it.

"NO!!! MY BABY!!" Rita yelled, clawing and biting at the net trying to break it open, but she wasn't strong enough. Hugo did the same, but he too wasn't able to break it open. Conrad laughed evilly, looking at the kit, who was whimpering fearfully.

"Well, you were very busy, weren't you, Hugo?" Conrad teased, cackling. Hugo snarled, anger rising inside of him. He needed to break out, and save his son. But how? Suddenly, something knocked Conrad over with such force, he flew off the ground, releasing the grip on Hugo Jr. A small orange and black robotic Triceratops sporting a Autobot insignia on his forehead caught the kit in his metal paws. A blue streak whizzed around, and in the blink of an eye, it sliced the net open, freeing Hugo and his family. Tricerashot handed the kit to Rita.

"Here you go, ma'am. One perfectly safe little.. uh, organic thing..." He said. Rita embraced the tiny kit and held him close to her chest.

"My gosh, thank you...!" Rita exclaimed, nuzzling Hugo Jr. The blue streak, now revealed to be a robotic raptor called Velocirazor, walked up to Hugo and Rita.

"Greetings, my name is Velocirazor and that's Tricerashot. We saw the whole dilemna go down and acted immediately."

"Thanks for the help, guys!" Hugo said, shaking Velocirazor's clawed hand.

"We're Autobots, its our job to protect." Velocirazor replied.


Grimlock roared furiously as he grappled with Thunderhoof, trying to push the Decepticon back. Underbite rammed into the T-Rex Dinobot, throwing him into a large oak tree. Grimlock snarled, getting up. But he was quickly brought down by Steeljaw, getting pinned down by the Decepticon leader. Grimlock struggled and roared furiously, trying to break free. Steeljaw just laughed at his efforts.

"Seriously, how long are you going to keep struggling? You can't win, Dinobot." Steeljaw taunted, smirking. Grimlock snarled loudly.


"I don't see how you can back that threat up, Grimlock." Steellaw retorted. Before he can do anything, he was suddenly sent flying by a large, red and beige Transformer weilding a huge warhammer and was covered by huge spikes. He, too, had Autobot insignias on his shoulders. Scowl helped Grimlock up on his feet, then converted into his Ankylosaurus mode afterwards.

"About time you found me." Grimlock said with a smirk.

"It's better late than never." Scowl replied, before both Dinobots were surrounded by Steeljaw's pack.

"LOOK HERE, YOU BUMBLING-" Steeljaw started, but he was cut off as both Dinobots charged him, knocking Steeljaw and the Decepticons down again. Grimlock scooped Hugo and his family carefully in his hand as he and Scowl ran past Conrad's forces.

"I bid you humans adieu." Velocirazor said as he and Tricerashot leaped on Scowl's back, escaping with the two Dinobots and their animal friends.

"GRAAAAHHH!!! GET THEM, YOU FOOLS! THEY'RE ESCAPING!!" Conrad furiously ordered his men. The guards gave chase to the Dinobots immediately.

"WHAT ARE YOU IDIOTS WAITING FOR! AFTER THEM!" Steeljaw yelled. He ran into the forest, followed by the other Decepticons.

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