Chapter 9

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The container was hot and dusty, and not to mention dark. You couldn't see anything even if you brought three flashlights. The only strand of light in the entire container belonged to a small, rectangular window that was placed in the top of the container. Grimlock sat in the corner, sulking to himself. He knew he'd never see his friends again, or his bash-brothers. He won't be able to see the Bee Team again. He won't even be able to punch Decepticons and other bad guys again. But Hugo and his family were safe, and that was all that mattered to the Dinobot. The ride was probably a hour and a half long, and now the helicopter finally reached its destination: Cuppmann Enterprises. The helicopter hovered over a tall building with a triangular-shaped roof. The roof opened up, revealing a indoor hangar/lab inside. The helicopter lowered the container inside the building, until it reached the floor. Afterwards, it unlatched its hook and took off towards a nearby landing pad. The doors to the container opened, and Grimlock was finally able to see where he was. A few soldiers prodded the Dinobot to move out of the container and into the lab. One of the soldiers jabbed Grimlock's leg with a electric prod, making him yelp.

"OW! Stop that! I'm going!" Grimlock said.

"Move faster, you oversized rust bucket!" The soldier retorted. Grimlock growled at the insult.

"If my servos weren't tied up, I would gladly squash all of you like the bugs you are..." Grimlock threatened, sneering at the soldier. Grimlock entered a huge room that clicked to him as the experimenting section of the lab. There was a huge chair sitting in the middle of the room, which was loaded with enormous laser-firing gadgets, blades, chainsaws, and extractor probes. Grimlock's optics widened as he looked at the seat with anxiousness.

"Oh, scrap." Grimlock cussed to himself.


It began to rain in the forest again, and it was a complete downpour. Hugo sat smack-dab in the rain, while Rita and the kits were inside taking refuge. Hugo didn't care if he was being drenched. He was too depressed about having Grimlock being taken away to be used as some sort of guinea pig for Conrad. Rita was looking at Hugo, her heart was breaking seeing Hugo this way. She sighed, and called out to Hugo.

"Hugo! Come inside, please!" Rita called out. Hugo just looked at her. He just got up and walked inside, without saying a word. Hugo plopped down beside Rita, leaning his back on the wall of the cave. Rita placed her paw on Hugo's paw, looking at him with a solemn expression.

"Hugo... I miss Grimlock too. I wish he didn't have to be taken away... But he did it for us. We're safe now thanks to him..." Rita said, wiping a tear from her eyes. Rita pulled Hugo closer to her, which at this point, the two began weeping once again, embracing each other.

"I can't bear to think about what those humans are doing to Grimlock...!" Hugo said, balling his fists.

"We got to do SOMETHING, we can't just let them hurt Grimlock!" Hugo continued.

"But, Hugo, we can't just walk in there! What can WE do? Those humans have big dangerous weapons at their disposal." Rita replied.

"Regardless, we can't just let them hurt Grimlock! We have to do something!" Hugo stated. Scowl, now in robot mode, stopped cleaning his warhammer and looked at Hugo.

"WHAT are we gonna do, kid? You tell me. You're planning on just waltzing in and getting Grim out?With the combined forces of Steeljaw's pack and armed humans?" Scowl said with a sneer. Hugo glared at the Dinobot.

"You got anything better, huh?" Hugo retorted. Scowl growled, causing Velocirazor to step in.

"Easy, boys, easy! I know this is a tough time to be in, but now isn't the time to act like animals! Lets be rational!" Velocirazor said, getting in between Hugo and Scowl. Hugo's face loosened a little, he turned to the cave opening.

"Look, I'm with you on saving Grimlock. But we can't do anything now. It's over." Scowl said, turning his back on Hugo. Hugo looked at Scowl again, grimacing.

"Im going to save Grimlock... With or without your help." Hugo retorted, walking out of the cave. Rita took hold of Hugo's paws.

"Hugo! Please, don't do this, it's too dangerous!" Rita pleaded. Hugo looked at her, placing his paw on her cheek. Rita placed hers on top of his paw, half-smiling.

"Rita, if I don't help Grimlock, then nobody will. I'll come back, I promise..." Hugo consoled. He let go of Rita's cheek and turned to leave. Rita's ears drooped to the side, as she watched Hugo depart on his rescue mission.

"You better come back safe and in one piece..." Rita said, as she walked back inside the cave.

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