My secret and mine only.

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When i entered the building my best friend, Felicity, came towards me, bouncing on her feet.

“Heey Micheal!!” She yelled in my face and i just signed hello back and smiled.

She knew i could hear her so she talked to me if it were two or three words but when it were whole sentences she would use sign language too.

I loved her with all my heart, she was the only person who was nice to me here at school.

She was really pretty too, long brown/blackish hair and grew/blue eyes, if i wasnt gay i would tottaly date her.

Yes, so here is another think about me im gay and people here at school think its disgusting so they call me names, every single day.

And you know what the singer who is in town tonight, Mika was it i believe, is gay too and people still adore him.

“What are you so happy about?” I signed smiling at her happiness.

“Well, i got tickets to see Mika tonight. Im so excited!!” She signed back starting to bounce again.

I smiled because well she was the biggest Mika fan in the world or as she would like to call herself a MikaFreak.

“Thats awesome!! Im happy for you.” I signed.

“And you know what, i got a ticket for you too.” She said looking at me with hopefull eyes but i just did as if i didnt hear her because people walked passedd us and it would be weird to respond at something i couldnt hear.

I could see she waited for me to reply and i signed, “Im sorry but i cant tonight.”

In case you wondered, i pretend to be deaf and i also act like i cant talk.

I know you want to know why, well i cant tell you because its a secret; my secret.

Even Felicity doesnt know about it and thats saying something since she is my best friend, well my ONLY friend.

“Why not? Come Miche, for me?” She signed with a puppydog face.

“Please stop, you know i cant resist your puppydog face. But im sorry, i just cant tonight.”

She sighed sadly but let the topic drop insteed we started walking to our class.

And since this hour was music i didnt have to do anything but listen and watch or in my teachers eyes watch.

After music we had lunch which was always hell for me.

Since the football jocks liked to make fun of me and only had time to do that during lunch it was always a very long 30 minutes.

I waited in line to pay for my lunch when it started, “Heey fag!” they shouted but i ignored them since you know i couldnt hear them.

Suddenly a hand grabbed my shoulder and janked me backwards, “I was talking to you, worthless piece of shit!” [A/N: I dont mean anything of this……it hurts me to write this. I love Mika with all my heart.]

I didnt show any emotion or any sign that it hurt but believe me it hurt like hell.

All of the sudden there was a hand colliding with my stomach and i doubled over from the pain, another punch was made but this time to my face, oh god please dont let it be bad.

I was waiting for the next fist to collife with my body but it didnt happen so i opened my eyes and saw the principal heading our way.

A sigh of relieve escaped my mouth, i was safe for now at least.

“John, Nick, my office now!” The strict man said to both of the guys hovering over me.

They let me go and started walking after the principal.

Felicity hurried to me when she saw me and helped me up, i hadnt noticed that she wasnt here during the beating but was relieved she was here now.

“Miche, are you okay?” She whispered in my ea and i just moaned, from the pain, in respond.

She looked me in the face and spoke, “Come, let me take you home.”

Did i mention i also pretend that i could read lips, yeahh all part of my secret.

After Felicity brought me home she left to get ready for the concert tonight she said, and i quote, “I have to look beautiful for my future husband.”

She really was something else but i loved her anyway.

I took some medication for the pain and started to get dressed for work.

You probably think im crazy because well if you are hurt you dont go to work right?

Well i couldnt dissapoint my boss so i got dressed in some tight black skinny jeans and a comfortable blue sweater, it was completly different then i whore to school since i wore high waist trousers and white button ups to school.

Then i started on my hair since i had my hair all gelled back, all part of my secret you know, when i got to school but for work i had it all ‘product’ free, lets keep it to that.

While i drove to the mall, since my boss was there, i turned on the radio and started to sing along with the music Ordinary Girl by Miley Cyrus (HM).

Dont get me wrong

I love who i am

I dont wanna be ungratefull

It probably sounds strange

I really love the role i play

The songs i sing

But with all the fame

The things

That seemed so simple

Are suddenly

So far out of reach

Wish that i could see that


Im just on ordinary girl.

While the music kept playing i realised how the lyrics fitted at my situation

But before i could  over think it i reached the mall, pulling up the hood of my sweater i walked in and towards work.

Reaching my boss she smiled, “Heey Michael, youre early today. You begin at 7 and its only 4.”

“Well i thought i came early and go over the set again.”

She nodded and gestured for me to go on and do my thing.

“Okay, soundcheck in 4, 3, 2, 1 and Mika.”

I'm not who I was...[Mika/Tom Odell Fanfic] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now